Timetabled lecture capture

Replay (Panopto) is used in teaching rooms to record the audio of the lecturer and the digital projection screen. 

Watch a briefing session on lecture capture (login required)

What is captured

Recordings do not include video of the lecturer or students (except specific rooms where the lecturer has activated the Camera Capture - see below).

Microphones at the lectern will record audio of the lecturer. Please use the clip-on radio microphone if available.

Microphones may pick up audience participation, but are not designed to do so.

Do not hold personal conversations while recording is in progress.

Any input to the projector is captured (including laptops and visualisers) in all rooms (except TFTI/116 which will only capture the lectern PC).

The lectern PC screen is always captured, regardless of whether it is the input to the projector. Do not view confidential material (eg emails) on lectern PCs during captured sessions.

Capture continues to record the selected source and the lectern PC even when the projection screen is blanked.

Replay+ Camera Capture

There are 13 teaching spaces across campus equipped with Replay+ Camera Capture for capturing board work and the demonstration bench.

The camera is not activated by default.

Lecturers need to use the lectern control panel to turn on the camera.

Within the room there are seating zones that will not be captured on video. These are the three seats nearest the stairs on each row, and the back five rows except where immediately in front of the camera. See in room notices.

Replay+ Camera Capture instructions

In-room guidance

How it works

In the session

Once scheduled, recordings occur automatically according to the time and venue specified on your timetable. You do not need to start or stop your recordings manually.

The recording window starts at four minutes after the start time on the timetable and finishes three minutes before the end, ie xx.04 to xx.57 or xx.34 to xx.27. 

Familiarise yourself with the microphone set-up in the room and, if the room has a fixed microphone, ensure that you present within a couple of metres of the lectern. Some rooms have lapel mics.

Inform everyone in the room that the lecture audio is being recorded and where it will be made available.

The recording may or may not pick up student contributions, so for clarity repeat questions.

After the session

Your recording will be published automatically to students, usually within a few hours, via your Yorkshare VLE module site.

You can opt to hold your recording for you to edit if you prefer, but you will need to inform your students that recordings will not be available straight away.

Students will access recordings through the VLE or a link that you provide by email. They will need to log in with their University username and password.