The procedure for the approval of collaborative provision (taught programmes and research degree programmes) should be read prior to completing the forms below.
Stage 1 is an initial consideration (including initial due diligence), and stage 2 is a detailed consideration for full approval.
There are separate procedures for the approval of a new validated programme.
Additional information for specific collaboration types
Higher and Degree Apprenticeships
Collaborative provision for higher and degree apprenticeships is subject to the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) apprenticeship funding rules for subcontracting. The procedure for planning and developing a new collaboration still applies; however, the University's approach to subcontracting for apprenticeship provision provides additional guidance that applies to the development of the proposal.
In addition, specific pro forma for higher and degree apprenticeships should be used in stages 1 and 2 of the procedure.
- Collaborative provision pro forma for initial consideration (Apprenticeships) (MS Word , 775kb)
- Collaborative provision due diligence comment form (Apprenticeships) (MS Word , 21kb)
- Collaborative provision due diligence pro forma (Apprenticeships) (MS Word , 22kb)
Articulation agreements (sometimes called 2+2 or 2+1)
- Articulation Guidance Note (Google Doc)
Joint or double PhD programmes (sometimes called cotutelles)
For other types of collaboration contact the relevant staff below.