This page outlines guidance and resources for those proposing award-bearing and non-award-bearing taught programmes for approval.
All University programmes of study, whether or not they lead to credit or an award, need appropriate approval. The process set out on this page applies to standard programmes only and covers the majority of programmes (eg Bachelors and Masters) offered by the University.
Programmes delivered in partnership with external organisations (for example programmes delivered as collaborative provision with an external partner, apprenticeships, online programmes to be delivered in partnership with HEP and non-credit bearing programmes) follow their own approvals processes and require University Teaching Committee approval.
Primary responsibility for proposing a programme for approval and for the overall development of a department’s portfolio rests with the Management Teams in Departments/Schools.
The programme approvals timeline is driven by standard undergraduate and postgraduate recruitment cycle timelines and external regulatory requirements. Under normal circumstances, this drives a two-year cycle prior to the programme’s intake of students: a year in which the programmes are designed and approved, and a year of recruitment.
Details of the requirements at each of these stages is provided below.
The first three stages of programme approval are considered by the Faculty Executive Board for standard award-bearing programmes. Academic approval (Stage 4) is given by the department’s Board of Studies, and then by the Faculty Learning and Teaching Group (FLTG) on behalf of Senate.
While approval will normally take place via FLTG meetings, alternative arrangements may be necessary for some programmes due to PSRB or validation requirements.
Key contacts
Deputy Heads of Faculty Operations
Quality Support Officer
Associate Deans for Teaching, Learning and Students
Related links
Programme approval guidance for:
- Non-standard programmes
- Non-award bearing programmes