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Programme Design Support

Teams available to support when designing new programmes

Several different Professional Support Teams are available to offer specialist advice and support when it comes to Programme Design. Each of these is represented in the Faculty Matrix meetings but can be contacted directly.

Academic Quality and Development

The Academic Quality and Development team can advise and guide on managing programme quality and standards, including interpreting national frameworks and student surveys.  Their web pages hold information on Quality Assurance and the Programme Design policy.

Inclusive Educational Team

The team works with academics, academic departments, and professional services teams, to develop inclusive learning, teaching and assessment pedagogies and practices.  Working collaboratively with other teams to provide support:

The team facilitates knowledge exchange and sharing of practice through:

Digital Education Team (DET)

(Formally Programme Design and Learning Technology - PDLT)

DET supports the appropriate and effective use of digital technology within learning, teaching and assessment for campus-based and fully online programmes and seeks to promote an effective, engaging and inclusive online learning experience for all University staff and students.

DET can offer both individuals and departments support in the design, delivery and evaluation of learning technology interventions at the activity, module and programme level. Working from a pedagogy-first approach, drawing upon their own research and evidence from the sector, they can help you find the right tool and approach to meet your learning objectives.

The team provides learning technology advice and support to staff using the University’s centrally managed lecture recording service Replay and Learn Ultra and Canvas virtual learning environments. The team also provides support for other related technologies for learning and teaching such as mobile learning, technology-supported assessment, in-class technologies and collaboration out of class.  

Careers and Employability

Supports programme leaders to develop programmes that produce graduates with the skills required to understand and obtain their personal career goals. The team helps to ensure Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs) reflect skills that are in demand from the sectors students aspire to work in.

They can also advise on activities and assessments that embed:

  • Self-awareness - To enable students to understand their values, strengths and to start to consider what this might mean for them in the future. This could be achieved by integrating our York Strengths development sessions into your programmes.
  • Real-world scenarios and professional viewpoints - To help students see how they will be able to apply the knowledge and skills from their degree in a variety of contexts. Also to give students experience of conducting 'authentic' work-related tasks, potentially co-designed with employer/industry connections from Careers and Placements.
  • Regular and impactful reflection - To enable students to reflect upon their experiences and to articulate what they have learnt. This helps students to consolidate learning outcomes, and articulate skills and experiences that will be valuable in their future careers.

Find out more about how the team works with departments, including case studies on staff facing web pages.

Library and Learning Services

The Academic Liaison team consists of information professionals who are qualified to provide information literacy training and collection advice.  They work to ensure the Library collections are developed to reflect teaching and research needs,  they can support module leaders by providing embedded teaching relevant to the course and student assessments.  They are available to discuss collection needs, especially for the planning of a new module or programme.

The Academic Liaison team ensures that the academic and student voices are heard and that key messages from the Library and Archives are being communicated.

For further information please contact the Academic Liaison Librarian Team.

Digital Inclusive, Skills and Creativity team

The Digital Inclusion, Skills and Creativity team (DISC) are your partners in developing the digital skills and creativity of yourselves and your students.  Based in the Library, DISC enables staff and students to effectively utilise a multitude of IT software, to extend their digital skills through online Skills Guides and inclusive training programs, and to engage personally with the latest in emerging technologies in exciting, creative spaces, YorCreate and the Creativity Lab.  They are experts in current digital trends and technologies and can help incorporate these in programmes in a way that builds students' employability, wellbeing, and learning skills.

They offer advice on innovative assessment tools or formats and provide training for staff and students.  Want to include an embedded digital creativity session in your module? Need a new perspective on any aspect of digital? The team can help, for further information please contact the Digital Inclusive, Skills and Creativity Team.