Accessibility statement

Teaching and Learning Policies, Guidance and Frameworks Search

To find the document you are looking for, start typing it in the box below, or look through all the categories beneath the search box.

We are continually adding documents to the search page, so if you cannot find what you are looking for, please email

We have reviewed all of our Teaching and Learning Policies, Guidance and Framework documents to ensure that the content is current and accessible. We have identified a number of documents which are not currently compliant with the accessibility regulations and we are working to address this. If you should require a document in an alternative format, please contact

To report any accessibility problems, or if you find any problems not listed on this page, or think we are not meeting accessibility requirements, you can report an accessibility issue.

The University of York's Accessibility Statement explains how accessible our website currently is and how we plan to improve it.

Go to Section: Policy | Guidance | Framework | Proformas

Policy Documents

Go to: Guidance | Framework | Proformas

Guidance Documents

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Framework Documents

Frameworks for 2023/24 and beyond :

Frameworks for programmes up to and including 2023/24 :

Go to: Policy | Guidance | Proformas



Go to: Policy | Guidance | Framework