Staff supporting students
Helping you direct students to the right specialist advice and support at the right time.
We ask everyone to take an active role in supporting the wellbeing of both staff and students at York, so if you notice someone in distress or see a change in their behaviour, ask them if they need help. You are not expected to know the answer to every question or provide counselling but you should be able to signpost students to the appropriate support services.
Seriously concerned about a student?
If you are seriously worried about a student (but it is not an immediate crisis), contact the Open Door Team Duty Practitioner for advice on +44 (0)1904 32 2140 or via opendoor
Out of hours, contact Campus Safety on +44 (0)1904 32 3333
In an emergency, call 999 and then call Campus Safety on +44 (0)1904 32 3333 for them to help aid the emergency services
Student confidentiality
Staff are unable to give out any information about a student to a third party without that student’s prior and express permission, except in exceptional circumstances. This includes parents, spouses, siblings, friends, and fellow students.
Read more advice about discussing students with family or friends
Support for academic issues
Advice and guidance
People who can help
Student academic engagement and wellbeing
The University monitors students’ engagement on their programmes in order to quickly identify those who may be experiencing difficulties and offer more timely interventions to support students with any academic, wellbeing or welfare issues. Where there are repeated low levels of engagement, faculties should follow the Student Academic Engagement and Wellbeing Procedure
Support for you
Training is available for everyone via the Learning Management System (LMS). The 'supporting students' list of topics helps those in student-facing roles, including resources on helping students in distress.
Staff online training (login required)
Look after yourself too - seek help and advice if you are worried. Find out about the support and help that’s available to you.