We are pleased to announce that the York JEOL Nanocentre (NC) and Technology Facility (TF) has been awarded PACE/ BIEI funding from the University to increase and generate new external income across a broad range of industry sectors.

The project is led by Dr Peter O'Toole, Head of Imaging and Cytometry, Department of Biology supported by Professor Vlado Lazarov the Director of the York JEOL Nanocentre and Paul Gunning who will work across both the Bioscience Technology Facility and the York JEOL Nanocentre to provide internal and external/industrial imaging and spectroscopy services.

High-end instruments at the Nanocentre and within the Imaging Labs in the Technology Facility (TF) have unused capacity for commercial clients. To leverage this potential income, new staff will be hired to promote, drive and deliver commercial activities (contract research, , CPD, consultancy and industrial collaborations) using the extensive range of instruments. 

The project aims to develop a commercial facility to attract external customers by expanding and diversifying the imaging facilities, particularly at the Nanocentre. By developing and strengthening relationships with industrial clients, the project aims to secure more sustainable income streams and increase the financial resilience of the NC. Additionally, the project proposes developing CPD courses to diversify and generate further income and elevate the profile and reputation of the Nanocentre facilities among industrial networks. This will also improve the capability to attract new funding for equipment.


Contact us

Amanda Selvaratnam
Professional Services lead for BIEI programme


Contact us

Amanda Selvaratnam
Professional Services lead for BIEI programme
