Funding to support industry engagement

Provided by the Building Industry Engagement and Income (BIEI) programme, funding is available through faculties to grow our academic capacity and accelerate strategic business engagement opportunities.

Increasing capacity in academic departments

To increase our capacity in departments for working with business and industry, a variety of posts are being made available to all three faculties, with potentially more to follow over the remaining duration of the programme.

These future posts may include research or practice-based academics at a range of levels, as well as Professional Services support, such as technical staff or Research Software Engineers.

Please contact your department or school leadership teams for more information, or Professor Sarah Thompson, academic lead for the BIEI programme (

Large-scale projects

The BIEI programme includes a new flexible fund, designed to accelerate ambitious business-focused projects and to test out new ways of working:

Small-scale projects

The University receives a range of funding to support Knowledge Exchange and Business Engagement activities.  This includes Higher Education Innovation Funding (HEIF) and Impact Accelerator Accounts (IAA)   This funding is distributed through regular internal funding calls  (University of York log-in required).

Contact us

Amanda Selveratnam
Professional Services lead for BIEI programme, PACE fund lead

Sarah Thompson
Academic lead for BIEI programme

Contact us

Amanda Selveratnam
Professional Services lead for BIEI programme, PACE fund lead

Sarah Thompson
Academic lead for BIEI programme