Contract research is REF-attributable research actively funded by industry or government which will lead to new knowledge generation. 

These projects are likely to be time-bound and involve specific deliverables.

Types of contract research collaboration

  • As a co-applicant with an industry partner for public funding from a public body, such as the UKRI (
  • Working with a collaborator (industry / organisation / 3rd party) on a defined research project.
  • As a participant in a collaboration between us and other universities or businesses, who have complementary interests.
  • Through a studentship, which involves sponsoring a PhD student to undertake a research project, either through full or partial contribution to this funding.
  • By engaging with an external collaborator as a consultant or service-provider.

Engaging in contract research with industry partners represents a collaboration where academic expertise meets practical industry needs. Through contract research, universities can align their research agendas with real-world demands, developing direct, impactful applications.

From the perspective of industry partners, engaging in contract research with universities offers access to a wealth of knowledge and pioneering research that might be beyond the scope of their internal R&D departments. Collaborating with industry through contract research drives economic growth but also accelerates the pace at which scientific discoveries are translated into practical applications, benefiting society at large.