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YRAF - York Research Administrators Forum

York Research Administrators Forum (YRAF) was established to promote thoughtful, sustained interaction among research administrators from academic departments, research labs and centres, and central administration to enhance communication, foster effective working relationships and allow sharing of best practice across all research support roles.

YRAF meetings play a key part in disseminating procedural and operational changes, sharing information on the funding environment and also in helping prioritise areas for training, feeding into the development of policy where appropriate.

Next YRAF meeting

Date & Time:  TBA
Venue: Zoom

Joining YRAF

Anyone involved in research administration is invited to join by subscribing to the YRAF email list. The list is used to communicate any key changes and to co-ordinate quarterly YRAF meetings.

Who to contact

If you would like to join the YRAF email list, please contact Pete Broadley

YRAF Meetings

Below is a list of past meetings, including presentations and documents available for download.

YRAF Meetings - 2024

Meeting information Topics and Documents
04 June 2024

YRAF Agenda - June 2024 (PDF , 31kb)


Impact Online resource presentation - June 2024 (PDF , 491kb)

YRAF Meetings - 2019

Meeting information

Topics and documents

3rd December 2019

10:00 - 12:00


Agenda (MS Word , 43kb)


Hub Update (PDF , 134kb)

IP & Legal update (MS PowerPoint , 1,589kb)

23rd October 2019

10:30 - 12:00


Agenda (PDF , 55kb)


Hub Update (PDF , 248kb)

10th July 2019

10:00 - 12:00

Berrick Saul Treehouse

Agenda (PDF , 44kb)


Hub Update (PDF , 212kb)

21st May 2019


Berrick Saul Treehouse

Agenda (MS Word , 12kb)


Advanced Payments (PDF , 175kb)

13th February 2019


Berrick Saul Treehouse

Agenda (MS Word , 7kb)


YRAF Notes (MS Word , 7kb)

Hub Update (MS PowerPoint , 1,276kb)

Communications update (MS PowerPoint , 1,023kb)

YRAF Meetings - 2018

Meeting information

Topics and documents

11 December 2018



Agenda: YRAF Agenda - 11.12-18 (MS Word , 136kb)


RSSH Update (PDF , 131kb)

Wellcome OA Policy (MS PowerPoint , 338kb)

Concordat Review (MS PowerPoint , 156kb)

17 October 2018



Agenda: YRAF Agenda - 17.10.18 (MS Word , 7kb)

Presentations: YRAF Presentations 17.10.18 (MS PowerPoint , 1,468kb)

Notes: YRAF Supplementary Notes (MS Word , 8kb)

31 July 2018

9.30am - 11.30am


Agenda: YRAF Agenda 31/07/18 (MS Word , 13kb)

Notes: YRAF Notes 31/07/18 (MS Word , 7kb)


RSSH Update 31/07/18 (PDF , 350kb)

Summary of Draft REF panel criteria 31/07/18 (PDF , 589kb)

22 May 2018

9.30am - 11.30am


 Agenda: YRAF agenda May 2018 (MS Word , 13kb)

22 February 2018

9.30am - 11.30am


Topics: Slack demonstration, Brexit and EU funding, Research forum feedback, Due diligence round table discussion, Researchfish, Spring Symposium update.

EU funding Brexit myths vs reality (MS PowerPoint , 995kb)

Research Fish 2018 (MS PowerPoint , 489kb)



YRAF Meetings - 2017

Meeting information

Topics and documents


12 December 2017

2pm - 4pm



Topics: Research Systems update, Research Forum and REF update, Induction plan update, Spring Symposium update, "Who does what up to grant submission" group work. 


11 October 2017

9.30am - 11.30am



Topics: Worktribe update, Induction plan update and focus group, "How Research is funded" seminar, FAP audit feedback and next steps, Research Forum update including REF, Spring Symposium launch.


5 July 2017

2pm - 3pm


Topics: SYGMA/Worktribe, Research Staff Induction, Training for Departmental Research Facilitators, REF Consultation/Research Forum, Risk Management

Notes: YRAF Notes 05.07.17 (MS Word , 8kb)


SYGMA/Worktribe Presentation (MS PowerPoint , 231kb)

Research Staff Induction (MS PowerPoint , 879kb)

Risk Management Presentation (MS PowerPoint , 492kb)


27 April 2017

2pm - 4pm


Topics: International Opportunities for non-academic staff, SYGMA/Worktribe, REF Consultation/Research Forum, Research Communications

Notes: Awaiting approval


Staff Mobility presentation Apr 2017 (PDF , 2,342kb)

SYGMA/Worktribe Update Apr 2017 (MS PowerPoint , 1,190kb)

Research Forum Update Apr 2017 (MS PowerPoint , 571kb)


3 February 2017

10am - 12 noon


Topics: SYGMA/Worktribe, New Staff Research pages, REF Consultation, Researchfish, Falling Walls

Notes:YRAF Notes 03.02.17 (MS Word , 16kb)


Project SYGMA presentation (MS PowerPoint , 721kb)

New Staff Research Page presentation (MS PowerPoint , 117kb)

Research Forum presentation (MS PowerPoint , 1,161kb)


Falling Walls Presentation (MS PowerPoint , 556kb)


YRAF Meetings - 2016

Meeting information

Topics and documents

26 October 2016

9.30am - 11am


Topics: Impact and Knowledge Exchange, Open Access and REF, Risk and Due Diligence, SYGMA

Notes: YRAF Notes 26.10.16 (MS Word , 9kb)


Impact & Knowledge Exchange presentation (MS PowerPoint , 276kb)

Open Access & REF (MS PowerPoint , 492kb)

21 July 2016



Topics: Global Challenges Research Fund, Project SYGMA Update, Learning Needs Analysis, RSPO Update

Notes:YRAF Notes 21.07.16 (MS Word , 18kb)


RCUK GCRF ARMA presentation (PDF , 891kb)

YRAF SYGMA Update 21.07.16 (MS PowerPoint , 6,641kb)

LNA pres for YRAF 21.07.16 (MS PowerPoint , 86kb)

Phys-Elec Training pres for YRAF 21.07.16 (MS PowerPoint , 58kb)

27 April 2016

10am-12 noon, H/G21

Topics: Research Professional, RSPO Update, Research Grants and Contracts Update

Notes:  YRAF Notes 27.04.16 (MS Word , 17kb)


Research Forum Update for YRAF 27.04.16 (MS PowerPoint , 704kb)

SYGMA Update for YRAF 27.04.16 (MS PowerPoint , 1,537kb)

21 January 2016

14.00-16.00, H/G21, Heslington Hall

Topics: Application Deadlines Update, Cyber Security, York Graduate Research Sch, Open Access and next REF Update

Notes: YRAF Notes Jan 2016 (MS Word , 19kb)


Cyber Security YRAF Jan 2016 presentation (MS PowerPoint , 609kb)

Open Access & the next REF presentation YRAF Jan 2016 (MS PowerPoint , 192kb)