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York Research Database (YRD)

The York Research Database (YRD) is the public–facing display of content held in PURE, York’s current research information system.

The YRD was first launched in February 2013 and encompasses all aspects of the University’s research and publication activities by integrating information about each researcher’s selected publications, funding, research activities and interests to provide a real-time update of our research capabilities and expertise.

It also makes full-text available by linking directly to files deposited via PURE into the White Rose Repository Online (WRRO), a data archive for the universities of York, Leeds and Sheffield. Links to DOIs and URLs, if added, will also be displayed.

YRD Replacement Project

During 2022, a joint project between RIKE, Digital Services, and Communication to update the YRD took place. The aim was to implement a ‘like for like’ new portal interface, hosted by Elsevier (the vendor for PURE), to replace the original product. The ‘new’ YRD was launched on 4th October 2022.

Researcher profile and content checks

Researchers can manage their YRD profile and content visibility through PURE. Use the checklist and guidance provided in the What is the YRD? guide on our wiki pages to ensure your profile is up to date and accurately represents you and your research.

Staff profile pages in departmental sites should be linked to the YRD where possible.  Further information on this can be found in our Guide to using the YRD on our wiki pages.

Support is also available from the Research Systems Support team at 

YRD Announcement

The project to update the custom YRD with a new ‘like-for-like’ interface has now been completed.
The new YRD launched 4th October 2022.