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Research Reputation and Social Responsibility Framework Appendix

See also: Research Reputation and Social Responsibility Framework

1. List of example areas and risk categories for decision-making by the Research Reputation and Social Responsibility Review Panel 

Example research areas which may be considered by a Research Reputation and Social Responsibility Review Panel. This list is illustrative and is not intended to be exhaustive.

  • Military/defence (and internal security)
    Where an issue is considered by a Research Reputation and Social Responsibility Review Panel, relevant input will be sought from colleagues with experience of conducting or approving research activity in these areas.
  • Dual use of technology
    ‘Technology’ in this context applies to both products and knowledge.
  • Impacts on climate
    For example, research activity involving fossil fuel companies.
  • Impacts on biodiversity
    For example, research activity related to palm oil production.
  • Some higher risk countries
    See UK Government guidance on end-use/sanctions as a starting point. The starting point for consideration of countries will be the UK Government end-use and sanctions lists, which will be reviewed in light of current practice and activity across the institution.

Currently proscribed

2. Risk categories for decision-making by the Research Reputation and Social Responsibility Review Panel 

The assessment will be done on a case-by-case basis taking a holistic view across all risk factors, on the basis of the expertise and judgement of the panel convened to review the case in question. There is no predetermined weighting or prioritisation of risks. The list of risk categories is drawn, in part, from the Code of Practice on Ethics.

Risk category

  • Reputational risk to the institution of working with a certain funder, corporation, organisation, agency or state.
  • Reputational risk to the academic/team/department.
  • Risk of harm to human participants.*
  • Risk of harm to those carrying out the research.*
  • Risk of harm to animals.*
  • Risk of harm to cultural heritage.* 
  • Risk of harm to the natural environment.* 
  • Risk of harm to the wider community.* 
  • Possible dual use/misuse of research.
  • Risk to data integrity/risk of data misuse.

*At the Review Panel stage, the risk of harm will be assessed with regard to risks associated with the partner/funder, as well as risks associated with the research activity itself.

Additional issues such as financial risk should be addressed at the bid development stage. 

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