Help with a new grant
Congratulations on winning your research funding. Your Faculty E2E Research Team will do a significant amount of work with the funder and our finance department to negotiate contracts and set up budget codes automatically.
Click the links in the boxes below to find further information relating to these activities and who to contact.
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Access the newly-awarded funds
Further information
Faculty post award staff have to activate new research projects to enable access to the awarded funds. This process includes creating related financial codes and takes place automatically at the start of a grant. If there are issues around finance please contact your Faculty Grant coordinator.
Advice on open access and data management
Further information
Many funding organisations require that the outputs of the research they fund be made Open Access and have precise requirements around data management. Most funder requirements apply even if the research was only partially funded by that organisation. If your output acknowledges support from more than one funder, you must ensure that all requirements are met.
The Open Research team can provide expert advice and guidance around open access and research data management.
Guidance for the PI on staffing and equipment purchase
Clinical Trials
Expert advice on legal and regulatory requirements for clinical trials
Sponsor clinical trials and studies under the Research Governance Framework