Accessibility statement

Find an external partner

Staff in the Research and Innovation Development Team and Commercialisation Team will contact potential research or translational partners on your behalf to engage them with your research, a specific commercialisation project or to provide letters of support for a research bid.

The Teams use multiple channels to make this contact including: personal networks, leveraging the university’s network of contacts and alumni, desk research and cold contact via email and telephone.

The Commercialisation Team has access to a technology partnering platform which enables you to advertise your innovation to blue chip companies worldwide.

The Research Development and Innovation Team have previously contacted as many as 80 small companies operating in the IT sector as part of a research proposal, however the requirements are usually for contacting one or two specifically-identified research leads within large companies.

The process of engaging partners with research can take significant time and requires shared benefit for both parties and trust in the capabilities of the teams. Therefore, this process should be started as early as possible, particularly if partners are required for a planned grant proposal.

The International Relations Office and the Office of Philanthropic Partnerships and Alumni can also assist in finding partners and international research links.