Info Day for Additional Health Calls Under Work Programme 2024

This event has now finished.
  • Date and time: Tuesday 28 May 2024, 9am to 5pm
  • Audience: Open to Informs (potential) applicants about 3 new topics that have been added to the Cluster 1 ‘Health’ work programme of 2024.
  • Admission: Free admission, booking not required

Event details

Under Pillar 2 of Horizon Europe, Cluster 1 focuses on Health and aims to deliver on the following six destinations matching the Strategic Plan:

Staying healthy in a rapidly changing society
Living and working in a health-promoting environment
Tackling diseases and reducing disease burden
Ensuring access to innovative, sustainable and high-quality health care
Unlocking the full potential of new tools, technologies and digital solutions for a healthy society
Maintaining an innovative, sustainable and globally competitive health-related industry
Ask questions
Ahead of the event, we advise you to consult the updated Work Programme for 2024 (when it becomes available) and send your questions in advance via by using #HORIZON, so that they can be answered fully and in priority during the live event.

Technical specifications
Connect through this link.