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Demystifying Horizon Europe

Wednesday 30 March 2022, 10.00AM

Speaker(s): Branwen Hide, Senior European Advisor, UKRO

Our UKRO advisor, Branwen Hide, joined us for a one hour Q&A session on demystifying Horizon Europe.  The event was held on Wednesday 30th March at 10am on Zoom, and started with a short presentation for staff thinking of applying to Horizon Europe's collaborative projects. 

The aim was to highlight key changes since Horizon 2020 (impact, destinations, EC expectations) and provide hints and tips on navigating Horizon Europe information. There was also time for questions about the collaborative Research & Innovation Actions. 

Slides from the event are available on request. Please email

This event was in addition to the bookable one-to-one meetings with Branwen, which can be used by applicants who are actively preparing their applications to Horizon Europe.  If you are interested (, who will provide more information on the format and timing of these bespoke meetings.

Location: Internal, virtual event via zoom