Who to contact in the Internal Funding and Programmes Team

Heslington Hall
University of York
YO10 5DD

The team manages the internally distributed funds that are made available for pump-priming research and impact activity at the University. If you are interested in applying for funding you should speak to your Fund Manager or Faculty Impact Manager, however if you have any enquiries about the application process, current funding available or a specific question about a project that has been awarded please contact the team.


Team / Contact Responsibilities

Vicky Wren
Programme Manager

Vicky is the team lead and is responsible for the pre and post award and RDF functions within IFPT. Vicky manages and coordinates the funding calls, governance, budgets, evaluations and output and impact reporting (internal and external) across the different funds. If you need support with the delivery of a new funding stream contact Vicky for more information.

Part of the Economic Development Team.


Sarah Ramshaw
Grants/Scholarships Coordinator

Starting 1st October 2024

Sarah is responsible for comprehensive day-to-day financial management of research funding including regular monitoring of project budgets (e.g., reconciliations, forecasting and re-profiling), income receipts and transfers, standard accounting practices (e.g., journals, accruals and prepayments), and processing project expenditure in line with funder eligibility requirements.

Leigh Kristensen

Internal Funding and Programmes Team Coordinator


Leigh leads and manages
the pre-award internal funding function, working with IFPT colleagues, Faculty Impact Managers, Fund
Managers, and Academic Leads to manage the funding application process, in parallel with other RIKE-led

Jackie Gitahi

Pre Award Team
Internal Funding Team Administrator


Contact Jackie for queries regarding any pre award activity such as funding call updates, eligibility criteria checks, arrangement of panel meetings, application submissions and all other general enquiries.


Lana Scoot
Post Award Team
Monitoring Coordinator

Contact Lana for queries on projects funded by under Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF), Place and Communities Knowledge Exchange (PCKE), York Impact Accelerator Fund (YIAF), University Research Priming (URP) (revenue and capital), The York Policy Engine (TYPE), Policy Support Fund (PSF), Partnership Acceleration and Commercial Engagement (PACE), Mahidol-York Seed Grant, Morrell Trust and the Regional Innovation Fund (RIF).


Karen Kaye
Post Award Team
Monitoring Coordinator

Contact Karen for queries on projects funded by the Biotech and Biology Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), the Engineering and Physical Sciences Council (EPSRC), the Medical Research Council (MRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), and the Centre for Future Health.


Research Development Fund Administrator