Who to contact in Economic Development

The Stables
University of York
YO10 5DD

Do you have a project idea for activity that can support the growth of the regional economy and need support with scoping the project, developing a funding application or managing the resulting activity? The Economic Development Team can help you.

View the EDT Privacy Notice (PDF , 157kb) to understand how the Economic Development Team gathers, uses, stores and shares your data.


Contact Responsibilities

Mark Gunthorpe
Head of Economic Development
+44(0)1904 328075

Establishing economic development projects and programmes

Strategic networking with LEPs, Councils and funding organisations

Contract management of project activity, including liaison with funders and dealing with audit

Matthew Kirk

Senior Programme Manager
+44(0)1904 328079

Manage economic development activity across a wide range of pre- and post-contract functions, ensuring the EDT delivers its activities efficiently and effectively

Generate and support the development of new projects and funding applications in support of the University Strategy

Promote interest and understanding of economic development funding within the University

Karen Drum

Project Development Manager
+44(0)1904 328078

Networking with local and regional partner organisations to identify potential funding opportunities

Supporting academics, departments and professional support services to identify and develop project ideas that can then be funded

Chris Russell
Innovation Advisor

+44(0)1904 321125 

Proactively identify and engage with regional companies that wish to innovate through the development of new products

Help companies to scope out their proposed project and determine its eligibility for funding support

Support companies to develop their funding applications for submission at appraisal panel