Economic Development
The Economic Development Team (EDT) supports the development and implementation of strategic projects and investments with significant economic impact potential at the local, regional and national level.
Our mission is to support and enable the University’s delivery of public good. We do so by building inclusive partnerships and creating the infrastructure & support needed to maximise the economic impact of our research and knowledge exchange activities.
Partnership & Collaboration
The team provides strategic advice and technical support to colleagues throughout the University, as well as to our civic, business and academic partners and stakeholders. Working closely with funders, businesses and industry bodies, Government departments, the City of York and North Yorkshire Councils, York & North Yorkshire Combined Authority and other research institutions, we facilitate, coordinate and enable the successful delivery of strategic projects. These projects are typically large in terms of cost, scale and impact and usually have complex compliance requirements and contracting arrangements.
Project Support
Our advisory support service covers the full project life-cycle and includes:
Project design and development: project initiation, risk analysis, internal approval, project design and programming, costing, building the project team, developing monitoring and management systems etc.
Funding Support: Grant search, bid development, liaison / negotiation with funders, funding compliance, grant claims, audit and assurance
Partnership development: identifying and engaging partners and stakeholders, fostering relationships, securing match funding, obtaining letters of support, developing partnership agreements, servicing partnership meetings
Project management: monitoring and review processes, project management structures, financial assurance, governance arrangements, measuring economic impact, financial management and reporting, project evaluation
If you have a strategic project with significant economic impact potential, please contact the Economic Development Team at the initial project planning stage.
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These strategic projects are typically in the fields of economic and research infrastructure; innovation; business support; collaborative research & development; and skills development.
Examples include: