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Partnerships, Enterprise and Engagement Committee


The University Partnerships, Enterprise and Engagement Committee (UPEC) is responsible for oversight of strategy and policy, and monitoring of their implementation, to ensure efficacy and performance enhancement in knowledge exchange, civic and community engagement and enterprise activity across the University, as aligned with delivery of the University’s Strategy and the targets therein.

UPEC is responsible for:

  1. Developing and monitoring relevant objectives and KPIs in Civic and Community Engagement and Enterprise arising from the University strategy, and associated internal governance and communication.
  2. Overseeing and approving External Statutory Returns in Knowledge Exchange, Community and Business Engagement and Enterprise.
  3. Developing and enhancing the University’s Community and Civic Engagement and Enterprise agenda.
  4. Driving and promoting the commercial exploitation of research, teaching and facilities and expertise.
  5. Within the context of the university strategy, developing relevant Community and Civic Engagement and Enterprise policies and monitor their implementation.
  6. Upholding the University’s Core Principles and values as relates to all its business, namely:
    • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
    • Environmental Sustainability 
    • University brand and reputation.
  7. Monitoring and reviewing the effectiveness of the management of corporate risk(s) and other key risks related to the Committee’s business, and advising and assuring any relevant UEV corporate risk owner.

On behalf of Senate, UPEC is empowered to take decisions relating to Community and Civic Engagement and Enterprise and to seek assurance relating to the quality of these activities as set out above. It can also make recommendations and/or refer items to Senate, UEB, UTC and other University committees as appropriate. UPEC has no direct budgetary control but will review and/or set strategic priorities for KE related funding.


The remit of the Committee under the following core, agenda-aligned headings, is: 

2 a) Strategic Development, Planning, Performance Monitoring and Resourcing 

Developing and monitoring objectives and KPIs in Civic and Community Engagement and Enterprise arising from the University Strategy, and associated internal governance and communication

i. Development and execution of annual objectives for Civic and Community Engagement and Enterprise
ii. Creation and monitoring of institutional KPIs, including those reported to University Council and monitoring/benchmarking against appropriate external organisations
iii. Creating, maintaining and mitigating the relevant sections of the Institutional Risk Register
iv. Ensuring effective engagement with other Senate Level Committees, and Ethics committee
v. Monitoring the external environment with respect to Civic and Community Engagement and Enterprise (e.g. Government policy, funding initiatives) and ensuring the University is well placed to capitalise on opportunities.

Monitoring and approving External Statutory Returns in Knowledge Exchange, Community and Business Engagement and Enterprise

vi. HEBCIS – oversight of data collation/submission and assessment of the outcome; developing strategic approaches to improve our outcomes
vii. KEF – oversight of the KEF submission and assessment of the outcome; developing strategic approaches to improve our outcomes
viii. HEIF – oversight and leadership of creation of HEIF strategy and reporting; strategic overview and prioritisation for spend, and monitoring of deliverables
ix. KE Concordat - coordination of the strategic overview of the University’s response to the KE Concordat, including ensuring coordination with other relevant activities (internal or external); monitoring and reporting on progress of the implementation plan

NOTE: while responsibility for external statutory returns including Knowledge Exchange activity of many types are suggested to be the responsibility of UPEC, this does not mean that all associated KE activity is led by UPEC e.g. KE through the informing of policy is primarily based on research activity and academic expertise and would therefore be the responsibility of University Research Committee (URC).

Driving and promoting the commercial exploitation of research, teaching and facilities and expertise

x. Improving our financial performance, HEBCIS and KEF outcomes by setting effective targets, informed by benchmarking data, and monitoring performance for the following:

- Corporate Training and Executive Education
- Commercialisation including social enterprise
- Consultancy
- Commercial use of research facilities and services

2 b) Policy and Regulatory Matters

Developing and enhancing the University’s Community and Civic Engagement and Enterprise agenda through:

i. Our engagement with pledges such as The Civic University Network and the Good Business Charter, Manifesto for Public Engagement
ii. The creation of the Institute for Enterprise and Leadership
iii. Activity within the Office for Philanthropic Partnerships and Alumni (OPPA)
iv. The local Enterprise for All agenda (covers staff, students and business)
v. Economic development initiatives taken in support of the “Levelling Up” agenda, predominantly via regional and local partnerships and activities; supporting civic initiatives - York Accelerator, PAPI
vi. Regional brand and reputation management via e.g. public or civic engagement
vii. Non-commercial exploitation of space - York Guildhall, Incubator space on campus
viii. Within the context of the University Strategy, approving relevant Community and Civic Engagement and Enterprise policies and monitor their implementation. For example, consultancy policy, Regulation 12, and costing and pricing policies (such as those related to CPD/Consultancy/Commercial Services).
ix. Upholding the University’s Core Principles and Values as relates to all its business, for example Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Environmental Sustainability, and considerations of the University brand and reputation.


On behalf of Senate, UPEC is empowered to take decisions relating to Community and Civic Engagement and Enterprise and to seek assurance relating to the quality of these activities as set out above. It can also make recommendations and/or refer items to Senate, UEB, UTC and other University committees as appropriate.

UPEC has no direct budgetary control but will review and/or set strategic priorities for KE related funding.

Reporting and frequency

UPEC will provide URC and UTC with regular updates on new and existing civic and regional engagement partnerships and public engagement activities that may have an impact on teaching or research activities to ensure transparency across the institution.  

Two subgroups will report directly into UPEC:

KEF and HEIF working group

An informal forum of both academic and professional support staff providing operational support for the delivery and monitoring of KEF and HEIF spend

Business Engagement Forum

An informal forum of both academic and professional support staff supporting and sharing best practice in KE, the KEC action plan implementation and regional economic and civic engagement.

Other reporting

UPEC will receive reports, where relevant, from the International Committee, Employability Strategy Group and other relevant working groups and committees.

Meeting frequency

A minimum of four times per year, with the facility to transact and record decisions by written resolution or, where necessary, Chair’s Action. 

Meeting modes

Meetings in 2021/22 to be held online, via Zoom.

Constitution and membership

The majority of the Committee’s members are appointed ex officio, including the co-Chairs, academic leaders and representatives of professional services. Academic staff representatives are appointed by Senate.

Other membership considerations:

Academic staff representatives should be drawn from each of the three Faculties, with no two members from the same department, and should between them have sufficient experience to be able to speak to Committee activities.

Proxy or alternate members are not permitted. Individual colleagues may be invited to attend for select items as and when the need arises.

Quorum: 50% of members, or 50%+ 1 member where the number of members is not even.

Membership Review: membership will be periodically reviewed by the Committee itself for Senate approval. Membership is otherwise coterminous with the individual’s appointment term. Gender balance and wider EDI considerations should be factored into the Committee’s reflection on its own size and composition.

Associate Dean (Partnerships, Engagement, and International) for the Faculty of Social SciencesMembership

Pro-Vice-Chancellor Partnerships and Engagement (Chair) Professor Kiran Trehan
Academic Leaders 
Associate Dean (Partnerships, Engagement, and International) for the Faculty of Social Sciences Professor Mark Freeman
Associate Dean (Partnerships, Engagement, and International) for the Faculty of Science Professor Tarl Prow
Professional Services 
Associate Director of Research, Innovation and Knowledge Exchange (Deputy Chair)  Ms Amanda Selvaratnam
Director of Research, Innovation and Knowledge Exchange Dr Justine Daniels
Associate Director of Research, Innovation and Knowledge Exchange

Position vacant

Head of Business Intelligence Unit

Position vacant

Operations Manager (Professional Services) Position vacant
Business Development Manager (York Science Park Ltd) Ms Claire Bennett

Head of Access and Outreach

Ms Rebecca Clark

Global Partnerships Manager (Representative from International Recruitment, Mobility and Partnerships (IRMR))

Dr Katherine Benson
Associate Director of Careers and Employability Ms Louise Thurston
Director of the Office of Philanthropic Partnerships and Alumni Ms Mary Howarth

YUSU President

Mr Patrick O’Donnell
Chair of the Staff Race Equality Forum

Professor Avtar Matharu

Representatives of Regional Strategic Initiatives and/or Externally Focused Programmes

Director of the Institute for Safe Autonomy 

Professor Miles Elsden 

Department of Sociology

Professor Karl Atkin

An Academic Representative from each Faculty appointed by Senate
School for Business and Society, Social Sciences Professor Sonal Choudhary
School of Physics, Engineering and Technology, Sciences

Professor Christian Diget

Language and Linguistic Science, Arts and Humanities Professor Richard Ogden 

In attendance

  • Professor Matthias Ruth, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research
  • Professor Tracy Lightfoot, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Teaching, Learning and Students
  • Ms Joan Concannon, Director of External Relations
  • Ms Zoe Deacy-Clarke, Research Strategy and Policy Officer (Committee Secretary)