Accessibility statement

HEIF Working Group

Terms of reference

Terms of reference

The working group is tasked:

  • To maintain oversight of the HEIF budget and report to the relevant committees on spend
  • To clarify and review HEIF funding criteria
  • To review and approve HEIF main and rapid response funding applications
  • To provide six monthly reports on HEIF allocations and outcomes of the funding to the P&KE Committee
  • To oversee and approve the HEIF annual monitoring statement



Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research Prof Debbie Smith
Director of Careers  Tom Banham
Head of Enterprise services Amanda Selvaratnam
Director of OPPA Mary Haworth
University Impact Manager Linda Ko-Ferrigno
Academic representative Professor Thomas Krauss
Department of Physics
Academic representative Professor Jon Mateer
Department of Theatre, Film and Television
Management Accountant Eldridge Rodrigues (in attendance) 
Secretary  Kate Dennis



Frequency and timing of meetings

Meetings will be held termly every 4-6 weeks aligned to occur prior to the University Partnerships and Enterprise Committee and papers distributed one week before the meeting.

Governance / Quorum

Decisions to reschedule meetings due to unavailability of working group members or accept representatives will be at the discretion of the Chair. Critical business that occurs outside the scheduled meetings and needs an urgent decision will be dealt with by email and approved by chair’s action.