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University of York Students’ Union updates

Posted on 11 July 2024

The University of York Students’ Union (YUSU) and the Graduate Students’ Association (GSA) are merging into a single Union and undergoing a rebrand.

All staff members who work closely with the Students’ Union should have received email updates with the key information.

Read on for all the details of the rebrand and merger.

One single students' union

From Thursday 1 August YUSU and the GSA are merging into a unified students’ union.

This new, single students’ union will be called the University of York Students’ Union.

The acronyms ‘YUSU’ and ‘GSA’ will no longer be used. From this date please update any instances of the name or, if you require a shorter version, you can use York Students’ Union or York SU.

Please do not shorten the name to YUSU, UYSU or YSU.

New brand

From Thursday 1 August the union will be implementing a new brand.

This is completely different to the current YUSU or GSA brands.

These new brand elements should not be used publicly before 1 August.

Web and email addresses

From Monday 29 July, web and email addresses will change.

The former URLs ( and will redirect to the new website. The new URL will be  

Former YUSU email addresses are ‘’ but will change to ‘'.

Please update the union's contact details on any materials you share with students from this date.


From Thursday 1 August, two of the union's sub-brands will also be changing names. 

This includes the Advice and Support Centre, which will simply be called ‘York SU Advice and Support’, and YUSU RAG, which will become ‘York SU Fundraising’. 

York SU Advice and Support

If you have any documents, information or guidance that signposts students to the Advice and Support Centre (ASC) at YUSU or the Graduate Students’ Association’s advice service, they can be updated with the following information and contact details from Thursday 1 August:

York SU Advice and Support provides independent and confidential advice and guidance to students on academic issues, University policies and procedures, and personal and wellbeing issues.

If you have any questions about the new single advice service contact Richard Andrew at

Sabbatical Officer structure

From Monday 1 July, the union's Sabbatical Officer structure changed.

Notably, the number of Sabbatical Officers has changed, as well as how the Union approaches academic representation and the representation of students from marginalised communities.

From now on there will be seven full-time Sabbatical Officers, along with an Academic Committee, an Equalities Committee, and SUmmit, who all work together to decide the direction of the Union and create positive change.

You can find a more detailed breakdown of the new representation structure on the rebrand and merger information page.

This page is only to be used internally and not shared publicly. 

If you have any questions about the rebrand or the merger, contact