Posted on 14 November 2019
The event, organised by the Grounds Team in the University’s Directorate of Estates and Campus Services (DECS), encouraged volunteers to come along and assist the Grounds Team in removing as many leaves as possible from the area surrounding the Campus West lake.
As a Green Flag campus, the University prides itself on its biodiversity, green spaces and the number of trees we have across the site, yet at this time of year the leaves can begin to cause a problem as find their way into the lake, sinking to the bottom and begin to decompose. This can lead to acidification of the water and oxygen reduction, affecting the plants and any fish living in the lake, and may also encourage algal blooms in warm weather.
Thank you to everyone who volunteered their time to pick up the leaves, which will now go to composting. DECS will be hosting more volunteering and engagement events on and off campus as we move forward, creating a better and more sustainable environment for students and the surrounding community.