Posted on 2 December 2019
£1.30 for one hour
£2.50 for two hours
£3.80 for three hours
£5 for four hours
£8 for ten hours
£95 for a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) - up from £80
£50 reduced charge for paying a PCN within 14 days - up from £30
This is the first increase to pay and display parking charges in eight years. The University remains competitively priced for our pay and display provision in comparison to many other universities with similar campuses.
The changes will only affect those using pay and display to pay for parking. There are no changes to prices or payments made for people who have staff or student permits, or use a ‘Blue Badge’ to park at the University.
To achieve our sustainability and travel planning objectives, the University is striving to minimise car usage and we would encourage everyone to leave their car at home wherever possible and consider a more sustainable way to travel. Whilst the funds from this increase will fall into overall campus improvements, we will continue to invest in sustainable transport options.
We encourage staff and students to leave their car at home wherever possible and consider more sustainable forms of travel.
You can find out more about travelling to and from the University on our travel and parking web pages and more about charges on our parking charges and conditions page.
If you have any questions regarding these changes please contact the Travel and Transport Team by emailing