Supporting legal documents and resources

These documents and resources are available to support you with your work.

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Contract Signature Framework

The Contract Framework (PDF , 431kb) sets out the process to follow when any part of the University is contemplating entering into a contract, and confirms the individuals who are authorised to enter into contracts on behalf of the University. This framework applies to the whole University.

The framework also sets out the process to follow before the contract reaches the signature stage, as well as post-contract matters. The steps in this process are summarised as follows:

Stage Steps
Review and negotiate Contract to be reviewed and negotiated, led by the contract owner (referred to as the “Sponsor” in the framework) with support from professional services teams (eg Legal, RKEC, Finance, Procurement) to ensure the terms and conditions provide an acceptable risk profile for the University.
Escalate If the contract, or any particular clauses, are considered high risk (taking into account advice from legal and other colleagues involved), the matter should be escalated to named senior individuals to determine whether the risk is acceptable, weighed against the importance of the contract to the University.
Approval Sponsor seeks approval for contract signature using the prescribed form (Appendix 3 of the framework).
Signature If satisfied, the signatory with authority to commit and bind the University signs the contract on behalf of the University. The list of signatories with delegated authority to sign contracts is set out in Appendix 4 of the framework.
Retention and storage Signed and dated contracts should be stored and retained in line with policy. [NB there is a separate on-going exercise to review and establish a consistent contract retention procedure and the website will be updated with this information once it has concluded.]
Contract management The Sponsor is responsible for managing the delivery/performance of the contract for its duration and the termination and exit process.

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