H&S Round Up February 2025

News | Posted on Thursday 13 February 2025

Latest updates from the Workplace Health and Safety Office

Snow Drops

WHSO Update

Following a review of resources and to manage these effectively, the WHSO is currently adopting a risk-based priority approach.

We are doing everything we can to work through our priorities systematically and ensure day-to-day business as usual.

Positive developments:

  • Migration to a new website (currently under further development).

  • PEEPs guidance and procedures: the new guidance was launched, and has been in place, since August 2024
  • The travel overseas process is completed and updated on our web pages.

  • Improvements in accident and incident management including two new sub categories: "Hazard Observation" and "Fire Safety".

  • Improved WHSO communications via H&S Monthly Round Up and Safety Alerts. 

Upcoming Developments:

There are a few other major developments that will be introduced in the upcoming months:

  • The launch of new H&S training programmes (based on roles and responsibilities). 

  • A revised fire drills process. 

  • Review of H&S management procedures.

  • Implementation of a revised H&S governance framework.

Successful collaboration

WHSO, Department and Project team (Faculty of Sciences), and the Trade Unions worked collaboratively on risk management for a high-risk research project to ensure suitable provision of information, instruction, training and supervision. Upon invitation, the H&S Business Partner attended a celebration event at one of the research sites which included a tour of the facilities by local staff.

This was a very positive visit and gave valuable assurance of the security and safety protocols that are in place locally.

We would appreciate it if all staff could:

- report all accidents, incidents and near misses at the University within 24 hours of them occurring on our on-line form

- familiarise yourself with your H&S responsibilities as outlined in the University Health and Safety Policy Statement and Arrangement 

For further advice and guidance please reach out to your H&S Business Partner.

The H&S Business Partners should be the first point of contact from our office. WHSO Business Partners are competent advisors and best placed to guide you through the University’s health and safety policy and processes, and provide you the right level of support and advice to carry out work-related tasks in a safe manner. 

Fire Safety Advice

WHSO would like to draw your attention to the University’s E-scooter and e-bike guidance. This guidance sets out the University’s position on the use of e-scooters and e-bikes on its campuses. The University Estates team is investigating the feasibility of introducing charging points for e-bikes in the future.

In the meantime, the University Fire Safety team refers to and advises stakeholders using the London Fire Brigade (LFB) Guidance and the RISC Authority guidance. The links to these are also referred to by the Wheels for Wellbeing via a Government webpage.
London Fire Brigade (LFB) is the only current national guidance on fire safety for charging and storage of e-bikes and scooters. It is not exhaustive and notes that battery and vehicle development has outstripped the national policy and guidance.

Please also see our latest Safety Alert about Electrical Safety and an article from our fire team advising on Fire Safety in the Home

Overseas Travel

The overseas travel web pages have been reviewed and updated to include timelines for submission of Travel Risk Assessments depending on risk level.

We recommend that you check the pages to stay up to date if you are travelling overseas. If you have any questions, please contact the WHSO or insurance teams. 

Health and Safety training

Fire safety training across the University currently has a completion rate of 79%. DSE training currently has a completion rate of 89%. Both of these training courses are mandatory with a target completion rate of over 90%.

If you haven't completed your training then please do so as soon as possible.

Upcoming H&S training:

Training Courses Planned 

Target Audience

Spaces Available

Date planned / completed

First Aid at Work (Full course)

Operational staff


February 25 onwards

First Aid at Work (Requalification)

Operational staff


February 25 onwards

Gaining Confidence in Risk Assessment

(Practical Workshop)

DSAs and operational staff


February 25 onwards every two months

Fire warden training



Every month

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs)

DSAs and operational staff


February 2025

HSE scam email alert

If you have seen this email then please be aware of the warning below and do not respond.


For general enquiries, please contact us on whso@york.ac.uk.

For fire-safety queries, please contact us on firesafety@york.ac.uk

Contact us

Workplace Health and Safety Office (WHSO)


Contact us

Workplace Health and Safety Office (WHSO)
