Producing accessible publications


  • Always offer a large print version. All educational institutions are obliged to do this under the Equality Act 2010.
  • Employ the University's visual identity with large, clear text for an easier read.

Best practice


  • Use a minimum of 9 pt (12 pt is recommended by the Royal National Institute of Blind People, if space allows).
  • Light type faces are less legible than bold type – numbers such as 3, 5, 8 are most easy to mistake.
  • Simulated handwriting and ornate fonts, even italics, are harder to read.
  • Constant capitals tire the eye. Use only for short headings.


  • Ensure the text is legible against the background – also better for photocopying.
  • Text on photos, or red text on green can be illegible to those with colour blindness.
  • If you use white type, use a dark background colour.

Page layout

  • Do not allow the leading – the space between each line – to be too tight.
  • Justify text to the left – it keeps the space between the words even.
  • Running text around an image can confuse the eye.
  • Don't forget to put the University logo on the outside back cover – if your document lies face down, it can still be identified.


Be sensitive to your audience. Avoid reinforcing stereotypes (eg a woman offering tea to a male boss). Avoid offending (eg some cultures find pictures of students drinking alcohol or wearing skimpy summer clothing offensive).

Our extensive image library contains photographs suitable for use in University publications.