Project management resources

Leading on a project or change at York? Use our suite of project management resources to support you with step-by-step guidance. 

We've created standard templates and processes to help you deliver successful and sustainable results. This means you can spend more time on collaboration and delivering the project. You don't have to worry about figuring out the approach.

Who can use them

They're designed for everyone, regardless of where you work or what your role is. Are you a project manager doing this as your day job? Are you a manager leading on projects as part of your role? Are you a project sponsor? These resources are for you. 

Adapt to your needs

Our resources cover what you need to do (methodologies). They also cover how to do it (processes) with templates and exercises you can do within teams.

You don't need to use them all. Change management is more about people than administration. Only use the resources that will help get the job done. You can use and adapt them alongside any requirements or procedures in your department.

Contact us

Use our Slack channel #making-change-happen to collaborate, share best practice and get support.

Central Project Management Office (PMO)

Resources and templates for projects

Resources to deliver projects

Explore the project stages for strategic change projects. Use our templates and tools to guide you. We've got variants for small projects and complex larger-scale projects.

Resources to deliver IT projects

Are you a project manager in IT Services? Discover the project life cycle for IT projects. Access our document templates. Choose those which best meet the needs of the project.

Types of project and typical roles

A project is a unique, transient endeavour. It's undertaken to achieve planned objectives such as outputs, outcomes and benefits. Projects can vary in size, ambition and complexity. All projects undertaken at the University should support and align to the University Strategy.

Large projects

A large project has a high degree of complexity. Professional project management skills are often needed. Large projects involve changing many things or transformational change. They are usually cross-functional in impact and need specialist or high volume resources. They carry significant risk to the organisation, people or budgets if poorly executed.

Small projects

A small change or project usually requires a short time frame to complete. It isn't complex or difficult to manage and deliver. Only a small number of people or resources are needed to deliver the project. Only a small amount of change is in scope.

Business as usual (BAU)

BAU is operational work carried out by teams or individuals. It's part of standard daily work practice. BAU is the work we do, for example the student admissions process. Whereas projects change the way we work.

Continuous improvements

Continuous improvements are ongoing improvements to products, processes or services through incremental changes. These are led by operational staff in departments while being centrally supported.


If you're in a leadership or management role, you may want to develop a range of skills that support you in your role, many of which are core to supporting change:

Contact us

Use our Slack channel #making-change-happen to collaborate, share best practice and get support.

Central Project Management Office (PMO)