The embed phase is integral to moving change to a successful state of business as usual. In this phase, remember to keep supporting staff through the transition, embedding change takes time.

Key factors

  • An opportunity to review and celebrate successes, alongside reflecting on lessons learned to ensure that staff feel supported, inspired and empowered to continue to work towards the vision for the change.
  • Just like day-to-day working, should continue to foster a culture of openness and innovation, so changes and processes can be review and improvements made. A culture of continuous improvement can thrive when teams are able to share ideas and take risks.
  • Consolidate the change with the team and stakeholders, and ensure working habits and processes are realigned to support the change.

Resources on this page:

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People and Organisational Development

Adaptable mindset

  • Format: Online course (LinkedIn Learning)
  • Time to complete: 35 minutes
  • Phase of change: Embed
  • Principle of change: Nurture innovation

A short course exploring how to be an adaptable employee during change and uncertainty.

Learning outcomes

Understand strategies to embrace and increase your adaptability.

Adaptable mindset

Growth mindset

A short course exploring how to develop a growth mindset in yourself and others. This video is part of a wider LinkedIn Learning course and we have selected the most relevant video for this part of the change process.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand how you can shift focus to possibility.
  • Explore practical tips on how you can apply a growth mindset to yourself and others, which can then be applied to embedding change.

Growth mindset

Cultural Web Tool

  • Format: Video
  • Time to watch: 5 minutes
  • Phase of change: Embed
  • Principle of change: Insight-led

A short introduction to the Cultural Web Tool, including the model that can be used to explore the culture of a team or organisation, and how it can be used to plan and implement change.

Learning outcomes

Understand the Cultural Web's elements of influence and paradigm for any change management situation.

Cultural Web Tool

Behavioural Iceberg model

A short video explaining the Behavioural Iceberg model, which is useful for understanding how individuals may react to change. This video comes from an assertiveness perspective and is most suitable for those wishing to explore their own assertiveness profile.

Learning outcomes

  • Recognise the unseen factors sitting underneath behaviours.
  • Understand the impact that beliefs and values can have on communication, including how an individual delivers and receives messages about change.

Behavioural Iceberg video

Leading your team through change

  • Format: Online course (LinkedIn Learning)
  • Time to complete: 21 minutes
  • Phase of change: Embed
  • Principle of change: Shared vision

A short course introducing two models to support how you embed change. The frameworks can be used to establish how your team is feeling about a change, and how you can help drive your team to the change you want.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand where your team is on the Support Continuum and how you can use this understanding to more effectively embed your change.
  • Explore tips for supporting team members at different stages of the Support Continuum.
  • Discover a five-step model that will help drive your team to the change you want.

Leading your team through change


If you're in a leadership or management role, you may want to develop a range of skills that support you in your role, many of which are core to supporting change:

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People and Organisational Development