Administrative hub
Information and resources to help with administrative tasks across the University.
Our process improvements project has delivered new ways of working. Explore our guidance and templates, and for ongoing support and queries join the #help-admin Slack channel.
Related links
- Process maps - from the first set of process improvements.
- Project and change management - a suite of resources to help leaders and managers enable successful change and projects at York.
- A-Z listing of all departments, offices and sections
- University policies and strategies for staff
HR processes
Guidance and resources to help you with all stages of the recruitment cycle and other HR processes. A full list of all processes and relevant contacts can be found on the HR pages.
For monthly HR news and updates, you can subscribe to HR Round Up.
When and how can I appoint staff?
Depending on the circumstances, there are types of appointments available at the University (eg direct, internal and standard). Check out our guidance for appointing staff for further information on contracts and appointments.
Open, fixed-term and casual - or a contract for services?
Use our engagement wizard to see which type of engagement you should be using.
Recruitment support
For practical guidance and support with eRecruiter, shortlisting, interviews and managing vacancies, see HR's help centre on recruitment.
Finding and engaging casual workers
Departments are able to build their own pools of workers within Dashboard to allow for adverts to be shared and workers to be booked easily. See our guidance for more information about engaging and registering casual workers, rates of pay, and relevant forms.
Guidance for using casual workers
There is a helpful guide to using Dashboard to hire and book casual workers. You can also use our job description template to send information to a relevant casual worker pool.
If you're looking for more information about using casual workers, you can request access to our report.
Providing administrative support to others
All staff are encouraged to book their own casual worker requirement where they can via Dashboard. If you are asked to provide administrative support to book a casual worker on Dashboard, ensure the following information is provided as a minimum:
- Supervisor/line manager name
- Name and email address of casual worker if you already know it
- Start date and end date of the casual work
- Timings and days of the week for the work if you know them
- The funding code (including the eight digit and four digit account number)
Guidance for casual workers
Casual workers are able to update their profiles at any time to allow them to be identified via profile data. If a casual worker has a problem with registering for casual work and submitting timesheets, they should email casual-workers
Worker profiles within Dashboard are deactivated after six months of inactivity. Profiles may also be deactivated due the individual's work permission (visa) expiring. If a worker wishes to reactivate their account, they will need to email casual-workers
A roles and responsibilities help sheet is available to assist you and covers visitor, host and admin responsibilities.
The University's HR page has a Visitor Visa Overview tool. The main purpose and duration of a visit to the University will determine which visa route your visitor should use. The tool has been developed to highlight some of the more commonly used visa routes.
Visitors are required to book their own travel and accommodation when visiting the University. If they wish to claim expenses back from the University, they should follow the Travel and Expenses policy that staff adhere to.
In the event of a health and safety concern while on site, visitors should consult Campus Safety.
When welcoming new starters, you should follow our central guidance for orientation and induction. It contains information for managers, new staff members (including disabled staff) and researchers.
Guidance for orientation and induction
Welcome pack and checklist resources
Your Admin Manager will be able to share an updated departmental welcome pack with you based on a generic template. There will also be a new starter checklist set up for your department. This allows you to track tasks which need completing for each new starter, both internal movers and colleagues new to the University.
IT accounts for new staff starters
New starters are inputted on ResourceLink as soon as possible following the individuals acceptance of their contract employment. HR Services will inform the recruiting manager once the account has been created. If the record is not there when you need it, contact IT Services in the first instance rather than creating an account. Learn more about the People Database and types of IT accounts.
Managing new and existing staff members in FlexiLeave
Administrators within each school or department maintain employee records on annual leave and flexitime in the FlexiLeave system. See guidance for FlexiLeave users and administrators.
Further information
You should also signpost new starters to the University induction page (York Wiki Service) and the Central Induction webinar (Learning Management System). Both of these provide a general introduction to the University and should be used first and foremost by all departments. Specific inductions to departments and job roles should be an addition to this.
New starters may also benefit from the following information:
The probation procedure differs for academic, research and teaching, and professional services staff.
View full list of probation procedures
Monitoring academic probation
See our updated procedure for academic probation. The main changes to the simplified academic probation process are:
- Support offered from the Faculty Administration Team, including receiving probation plans and CVs (for the Dean’s approval) and sending formal confirmation letter;
- Sign off points moved from DVC to Dean, and Dean to HoD;
- Updated folder structure and ownership;
- Probation form;
- Academic probation tracker which covers best practice and minimum standard required. You can make a copy and adopt the tracker, or update an existing tracker to include these as standard.
Full details of the improvements and changes can be found in the overview slides and by reviewing the academic probation process map.
If you are responsible for monitoring and changing contracts, you can find guidance on the following on the HR pages:
- Processing contract changes - includes form for contract extensions or a change to an open contract, or changes to hours, staff group or workorder
- Monitoring fixed-term contracts - information on reviewing and extending fixed term contracts, and the process for consulting with staff who approaching the end of their contract
Management information reports
To help you manage and track contracts, and to significantly reduce the amount of data held in localised spreadsheets and databases, a suite of management information reports are available and accessible via Tableau. These are updated frequently to reduce the need to hold any duplication of this data and personal information.
Access management information reports
Need help completing contract variation forms (CVFs)?
Additional guidance has been written to help administrators when completing CVFs and covers:
- How to receive updates on submitted CVFs
- Highlighting numerous changes on one CVF
- Formatting information in a CVF
Access additional CVF guidanceComplete contract variation form
Monitoring the leavers process
Your Admin Manager will be able to share your department's template for monitoring the leavers process. This will allow you to track tasks that need to be actioned once a leaver has been identified. The tracker also contains templates to notify various teams within the University that a member of staff is leaving and the actions they need to take.
To help you manage leaver dates etc, and to significantly reduce the amount of data held in localised spreadsheets and databases, a suite of management information reports are available and accessible via Tableau. These are updated frequently to reduce the need to hold any duplication of this data and personal information.
Access management information reports
Completing the HR leaver notification form
Please complete the HR leaver notification form as soon as written resignation is received to reduce the risk of overpayment. A minimum of two weeks is required to process leavers, however it can take up to three months to ensure that our pension providers are able to process retirement benefits.
You should only complete one form per leaver. You can review the form before submitting to check if everything is correct or if there's anything outstanding. A leaver form is required for any member of staff leaving the University, apart from Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs).
Calculating outstanding leave
Colleagues are expected to take all outstanding leave within their notice period. In the event it is not possible for leave to be taken within the notice period, outstanding leave needs to be declared on the leavers notification form. Any forms submitted with more than three weeks (112.5 hours) of outstanding leave will be sent back to be reviewed and checked.
When calculating outstanding leave, please account for all bank holidays and the Christmas closure period.
Returning IT equipment
IT equipment needs to be returned by leavers to the University as it will require resetting before it can be used by another staff member.
- If the role remains and a new starter is taking up the role shortly, the equipment can remain within the department/team and be reset remotely.
- If staff leave and are not replaced, their IT equipment should be returned to IT Services for reuse via the End-to-End IT service (E2E).
There is significant data and reputational risk for unreturned IT equipment. The leaver’s Line Manager should liaise with them to ensure all equipment is returned before their last day. This includes laptop/s, monitors and any research-funded IT equipment.
Peripheral devices such as keyboards, mice and headsets do not need to be returned. Funds for any equipment not returned will be recovered from the leaver’s department, as is the case with damage (both accidental or due to misuse).
The End-to-End IT service (E2E) covers full details from IT Services, including change of user for managed devices and how to request new equipment.
Further information
- HR's guidance for actioning leavers and offboarding contains information for employees and managers as well as links to the leavers policy, flexible retirement and how to provide references.
Navigate purchase and expense requests with ease using our guidance on York e-Purchase (YEP), Agresso and purchase cards.
Keep up to date with monthly finance news bulletins by subscribing to the FinSharedServicesNews Google Group (select ‘ask to join group’ to subscribe).
Improvements to this process are planned for 2024. In the meantime, please continue to follow the current process on processing and claiming expenses.
The regulations that detail what you are allowed to claim as an expense are set out in the University Travel and Expenses Policy. It is important you read this policy in full before incurring any expenditures.
In most teams and departments, administrators generally make purchases on behalf of colleagues. To aid with this, and to gather all necessary information to complete the purchase, non-frequent purchasers will need to complete a department purchase request form which will be sent to departmental administrators for action.
It is the requesters responsibility to complete any checks and approvals for spend prior to completing the form. Your local admin team will be able to share a link with you to complete the relevant form.
Admin managers will be contacted to make a department / school copy of the purchase request form, and will be sharing this in due course.
Individuals who have very high volumes of purchasing requests (ie a person who purchases things many times at short intervals) are classed as frequent purchasers. Going forward, frequent purchasers are encouraged to complete purchases themselves (either through a University purchase card or York e-Purchase/Agresso).
Guidance for frequent purchasers
Purchasing methods
There are a number of available ways to purchase goods and services, the main methods are York e-Purchase (YEP)/Agresso and purchase cards.
York e-Purchase (YEP)
YEP is based in the finance system Agresso.
- Read the YEP Basic Guide (v Jan 2024) (PDF
, 262kb) for a quick overview of the system and help available.
How to find existing suppliers on YEP
With over 30,000 suppliers on YEP and 1,000 new ones being created each year, the Procurement team are now actively managing the volume of requests coming through. This supplier lookup tool has been created to help you find a supplier that already exists on YEP. If you cannot find an existing supplier of the goods/services you need, please contact the Procurement team. Don't assume a new supplier request will automatically be approved and remember, no one should issue instructions to a supplier without a purchase order.
University purchase cards
Purchase cards can be used in limited circumstances to buy goods and services. University purchase cards should not be used for items which can be purchased using a purchase order via YEP or where there is a preferred supplier.
- Read the purchase card basics guide
- See our receipt naming guidance
Other useful links
- Key rules for buying goods and services
- Accounting at York (includes account codes and workorder codes)
If your role involves any financial element, such as those listed below, the Finance department has a dedicated page of all essential and recommended training.
- Using a University Purchase card
- Taking debit and credit card payments from students and customers
- Hiring, booking and paying casual workers
- Using Agresso including York e-Purchase (YEP)
Accessing services and support
Information, contacts and resources to help you with everything from day-to-day activities to large scale events.
Before booking any catering, you must seek approval from the budget holder for the spend against the workorder. Some research funders may not allow funds to be spent on internal catering (eg Campus Kitchen) and other quotes may be required.
As per the Food Safety Policy Statement (PDF , 615kb), only preferred suppliers can be used to provide catering. Campus Kitchen is the University's in-house caterer. They can cater for all your event needs, from simple work lunches to high-profile dinners.
Refreshments and working lunches
As stated in section 7.6 of the Travel and Expenses Policy, light refreshments (tea, coffee and water) may be provided via Campus Kitchen at department meetings lasting two or more hours, and at meetings with external visitors that are held on campus.
If your booking includes alcohol, please observe section 11 of the Campus Kitchen’s terms and conditions to ensure you’re complying with the University’s liquor licence. The self-supply of alcohol in licensed areas is strictly prohibited.
Booking with Campus Kitchen
Catering can be booked with a notice period of three days. To view menu options, place an order or to get in touch with the catering team, visit Campus Kitchen.
Our IT and online services page includes IT support and troubleshooting, as well as links and information on frequently used services and systems.
IT equipment: returning and requesting devices
IT equipment needs to be returned by leavers to the University as it will require resetting before it can be used by another staff member.
- If the role remains and a new starter is taking up the role shortly, the equipment can remain within the department/team and be reset remotely.
- If staff leave and are not replaced, their IT equipment should be returned to IT Services for reuse via the End-to-End IT service (E2E).
There is significant data and reputational risk for unreturned IT equipment. The leaver’s Line Manager should liaise with them to ensure all equipment is returned before their last day - this includes laptop/s, monitors and any research-funded IT equipment.
Peripheral devices such as keyboards, mice and headsets do not need to be returned. Funds for any equipment not returned will be recovered from the leaver’s department, as is the case with damage (both accidental or due to misuse).
The End-to-End IT service (E2E) covers full details from IT Services, including change of user for managed devices and how to request new equipment.
The University Mailroom is available to all staff and students and can be used to post letters and parcels. Mailroom services include:
- Internal mail - allows you to send internal mail to anywhere on Campus West, Campus East or King's Manor
- External mail - allows you to send external mail on behalf of your department
- Ordering departmental stamps with YEP
- Bulk mailing - suitable if you’re sending more than 50 identical items
- Business reply service - suitable if you require the recipient of your mail to return information to your department (postal charges can be picked up by your department rather than the recipient)
The Mailroom also provides a ‘Pack It and Post’ service which is available at locations across the University.
If you are managing University information and data, here are some resources, guidelines and contacts:
- Management information reports - a suite of management information reports covering staff numbers, prompt reports for recurring staff management tasks, (eg managing fixed-term contracts), sickness absence reports, equality and diversity metrics, casual worker data and more.
- Copyright - view the University's copyright licences, read the practical guide to copyright, and find relevant contacts for further information
- Data protection - guidance for University staff, students, associates, and anyone else who may access, use or manage University information
- Records management - guidance for staff on retention schedules, policies, records audit, GDPR documentation as well as relevant training
- University Archive - holds the archives of the University and its predecessor bodies, the York Academic Trust and York University Promotion Committee and former centres such as the York University Design Unit
Disposal of confidential waste
You can dispose of confidential waste via the facilities management portal. All waste must be packed according the guidelines.
- Book a room and other on-campus spaces
- Report repairs and maintenance
- Dispose of confidential waste, goods/furniture and IT/electrical equipment
- Help with office, goods and furniture moves
The Audio Visual (AV) Centre provides equipment and technical staff to support teaching and conferences across the University. With the AV Centre, you can:
- Make a booking for AV services and equipment
- Find information on AV facilities in specific rooms on campus
- Hire AV equipment
AV also provides services to make equipment and spaces accessible to all who need to use them.
Our transport, maps and parking page covers public transport links, staff, student and visitor parking, accessible travel and more.
Booking business travel
All University staff members are encouraged to book their own travel using the University’s contracted travel management companies (TMCs), unless the travel is deemed complex. We encourage this self-serve approach as it reduces duplication of work and is a quicker process for straightforward travel.
Guidance for booking business travel
An email template to communicate changes about booking business travel has been produced to help you distribute this message in your department. To use the template, click ‘Preview in Gmail’ (the Gmail icon) at the top left of the email draft. This will create a customisable email in the account which you are logged in to.
Supporting complex travel requests
Colleagues who require support with a complex business travel booking should complete the support for complex travel checklist and return a copy to their local administrator.
- For more information about the travel and expenses policy, travel insurance, accommodation and more, visit our main business travel page.
Expecting visitors?
Visitors are required to book their own travel and accommodation when visiting the University. If they are claiming the expenses back from the University, they should follow the Travel and Expenses Policy that staff adhere to.
To help you and colleagues prepare for general visitors, we've gathered together examples of different types of general visitors, and a roles and responsibilities help sheet. The Campus and visiting web page provides further useful information.
Visitors are required to book their own travel and accommodation when visiting the University. If they wish to claim the expenses back from the University, they should follow the Travel and Expenses policy that staff adhere to.
Once a visit is confirmed, you can use the general visitors welcome email template to share visit details with the visitor. To use the template:
- Access the general visitors welcome email template and select 'make a copy'.
- Edit the information highlighted in yellow.
- Click ‘Preview in Gmail’ (the Gmail icon) at the top left of the email draft.
- A pop-up Gmail window will appear and the draft will be created in the email account which you are logged in to.
- Once all the details have been added, you can hit send.
In the event of a health and safety concern while on site, visitors should consult Campus Safety.
Visitors can purchase official University of York merchandise via the online merchandise store.
If you want to expand or improve your skillset, check out available courses on the Learning Management System.
Join the community
Want to keep up to date with improvements and connect with fellow administrators?
Join our Slack channel for the latest information, best practice guidance and help with new and improved processes. This channel is for all staff who carry out administrative processes across the University.

Branding and communications
Information, resources and contacts to help you produce on-brand communications for a variety formats and audiences.
Additional information and services
- University photography services - the University photographer can photograph events (eg graduation and conferences), staff portraits, objects and publicity shots as well as images for teaching, dissertations, essays, and individual research
- Copyright guidance - view the University's copyright licences, read the practical guide to copyright, and find relevant contacts
Give feedback
Did this page help you? Is there information you feel should be added? Let us know so we can continue to improve this page for all users.
Related links
- Process maps - from the first set of process improvements.
- Project and change management - a suite of resources to help leaders and managers enable successful change and projects at York.
- A-Z listing of all departments, offices and sections
- University policies and strategies for staff