Publications by section
Social welfare in Asia
Shaw, I. F. 2023. Late colonial social work practice. Qualitative Social Work, 22(4), 735–752
Shaw, I. 2023. ‘Late colonial women in a welfare world.’ Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development. 33 (2): 114-126.
Shaw, I. 2023. ‘Approaching the colonial.’ British Journal of Social Work. 53 (1): 637-655
Shaw, I and Ow, R. (Eds.) 2020. Asian Social Work: Professional Work in National Contexts. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
Shaw, I. 2020. ‘Point of entry.’ In Shaw, I and Ow, R. (Eds.) Asian Social Work: Professional Work in National Contexts. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge
Shaw, I. and O’Neill, P. 2020. ‘Social work within governmental, social and cultural regimes’ In Shaw, I and Ow, R. (Eds.) Asian Social Work: Professional Work in National Contexts. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge
Shaw, I. 2020. ‘Professional practices in national contexts.’ In Shaw, I and Ow, R. (Eds.) Asian Social Work: Professional Work in National Contexts. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge
The practice/research relationship; practitioner research
Shaw, I. Forthcoming. ‘Does practice research have a mission?’ Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development
Shaw, I. 2020. 'Practice Research as a collective enterprise.' In Joubert, L. and Webber, M. Eds. Routledge Handbook of Social Work Practice Research. London: Routledge.
Shaw, I. 2018. Research and the Social Work Picture. Bristol: Policy Press
Shaw, I. and Lunt, N. 2018. ‘Forms of practitioner research.’ Br J of Social Work. 48 (1): 141-157
Lunt, N. and Shaw, I. 2017. ‘Good Practice in the Conduct and Reporting of Practitioner Research: Reflections from Social Work and Social Care.’ Practice, 29 (3): 201-218.
Webber, M., Cauvain, S., Hardy, M., Satka, M., Kääriäinen, A. Yliruka, L. and Shaw, I. (2016) ‘Back to the future: The role of the academy in social work education.’ In I. Taylor and M. LeFevre Eds. International Handbook of Social Work Education London: Routledge
Lunt, N. and Shaw, I. with Leung, T. 2015. ‘Developing Good Practitioner Research: An Agenda for Research Commissioners, Agencies and Practitioners.’ China Journal of Social Work 8:1, 3-16.
Webber, M., Cauvain, S., Hardy, M., Shaw, I., Satka, M., Kääriäinen, A. and Yliruka, L. (2014) ‘W(h)ither the academy? An exploration of the role of university social work in shaping the future of social work in Europe.’ European Journal of Social Work 17 (5): 627-640.
Shaw, I., Lunt, N. and Mitchell, F 2014. Practitioner Research and Social Care: a Review and Recommendations. Methods Review 18. London: NIHR School for Social Care Research.
Shaw, I (2012) Practice and Research. Aldershot: Ashgate. This is a back catalogue of two dozen essays and articles from the 1970s onwards, with a fresh editorial essay that tries to make sense of the patterns in my work.
Shaw, I. (2012) ‘Practitioner research’ in Understanding research for social policy and social work: Themes, methods and approaches, Edited by Saul Becker, Alan Bryman and Harry Ferguson, Bristol: Policy Press.
Shaw I. (2012) ‘Professional Voices from the Field: A Story’ in Maschi, T. and Youdin, R. (eds) Social worker as researcher: Integrating research with advocacy. Boston: Pearson Publishing.
Shaw, I. and Lunt, N. (2012) 'Constructing practitioner research', Social Work Research, 36(3): 197-208..
Shaw, I. and Lunt, N. (2011) ‘Navigating Practitioner Research’, British Journal of Social Work. 41 (8): 1548-1565. DOI: 10.1093/bjsw/bcr025.
Shaw, I. (2011) Evaluating in Practice. Second edition. Aldershot: Ashgate Publications.
Lunt, N., Ramian, K., Shaw, I., Mitchell, F. and Fouché C. (2011) ‘Networking practitioner research: the state of the art’, European Journal of Social Work. Available online.
Lunt, N., Shaw, I. and Fouché, C. (2010) ‘Practitioner research: collaboration and knowledge production’, Public Money & Management, special issue ‘The Politics of Co-Produced Research’, 30 (4): 235-242.
Mitchell, F., Lunt, N. and Shaw I. (2010) ‘Practitioner Research in Social Work: a Knowledge Review’, Evidence and Policy, 6 (1): 7-31 . I discuss some aspects of these issues in a podcast at the following location: and scroll down to 7 April 2009.
Lunt, N., Shaw, I. and Mitchell, F (2009) Practitioner Research in CHILDREN 1st: Cohorts, Networks and Systems, Dundee: Institute for Research and Innovation in the Social Services
Shaw, I. and Faulkner, A. (2006) ‘Practitioner Evaluation at Work’, American Journal of Evaluation, 27 (1): 44-63.
Shaw I. (2005) ‘Practitioner Research: Evidence or Critique?’ British Journal of Social Work, 35 (8): 1231-1248.
Shaw I. and Butler, I (2003) ‘Understanding Young People and Prostitution: a Foundation for Practice?’ in R Matthews and M O’Neill (eds) Prostitution, Aldershot: Ashgate.
Understanding the nature of social work as an applied social science
Shaw, I. 2023. Research and Social Work in Time and Place: Crossing Boundaries. London: Routledge
Shaw, I. 2021. ‘Social Work and Sociology/Sociology and Social Work: Peering Back and Forth.’ Qualitative Social Work 20 (5): 1184–1203
Shaw, I. 2020. 'The nature and disposition of a traditional network: a paradoxical case.' European Journal of Social Work, 23:4, 606-621
Shaw, I. with Hardy M. 2019. ‘Career interview.’ Qualitative Social Work. 8 (3): 370–381
Shaw, I. 2019. ‘Research networking and collaboration: a case study.’ Qualitative Inquiry. 25 (9-10): 1128 –1136.
Shaw, I. 2019. ‘The craft of journal practice.’ Qualitative Social Work. 18 (2): 194-211
Lorenz, W. and Shaw, I. Eds. 2019/2017. Private Troubles or Public Issues? Challenges for Social Work Research. London: Routledge.
Shaw, I. and Høgsbro, K. 2017. ‘Understanding social work and research in advanced welfare states.’ In Høgsbro, K. and Shaw, I. Eds. Social Work and Research in Advanced Welfare States London: Taylor and Francis.
Lorenz, W and Shaw, I. 2016. ‘Private troubles or public issues? Challenges for social work research: Editorial Essay.’ European Journal of Social Work 19 (3-4): 305-09.
Shaw, I. 2016. ‘Science and Social Work: a Sketch.’ European Journal of Social Work 19, (3–4): 336–353
Shaw, I. 2016. ‘One-eyed mules and social work: an essay on serendipity’ Qualitative Social Work. 15 (1): 136-149.
Shaw, I. 2016. Social Work Science. New York: Columbia University Press.
Shaw, I., Hardy, M and Marsh, J. 2016 Eds. Social Work Research. London: Sage Publications. 4 volumes.
Shaw, I 2016 ‘Social work research of consequence’ In Shaw, I., Hardy, M and Marsh, J. Eds. Social Work Research. London: Sage Publications. Volume 1: xxiii-xxxvi.
Shaw, I. 2016. ‘Case work: Re-forming the relationship between sociology and social work’ Qualitative Research 16 (1): 60-77.
Shaw, I. 2015. ‘Sociological social workers: a History of the Present?’ Nordic Journal of Social Work Research 5: sup1: 7-24.
Shaw, I. 2015. ‘Is sociaalwerkonderzoek distinctief? In K. Driesens, P. Raeymaeckers, L Sebrechts, M. Tirions, en E. Wouters, (Eds.) Eeen Caleidoscoop van Sociaalwerkonderzoek Leuven/Den Haag: Acco.
Shaw, I. 2014. ‘Sociological social work: a cartoon.’ European Journal of Social Work. 17 (5), 754–770.
Shaw, I. 2014 ‘Before I built a wall: one sort of dialogue Qualitative Social Work 13 (2): 181-83.
Shaw, I. 2014. ‘A Science of Social Work? - Response to John Brekke’ Research on Social Work Practice. 24 (5): 524-26
Gredig, D, Shaw, I. and Sommerfeld, P. (2012) ‘Mapping the social work research agenda’ in M Gray, J Midgley and S Webb, Sage Handbook of Social Work, London: Sage Publications. pp 391-407.
Shaw, I. (2012) ‘Social work research’ in Understanding research for social policy and social work: Themes, methods and approaches, Edited by Saul Becker, Alan Bryman and Harry Ferguson, Bristol: Policy Press.
Shaw, I., Briar-Lawson, K., Orme, J., and Ruckdeschel, R (2010/2013) Sage Handbook of Social Work Research, London: Sage Publications.
Shaw, I. (2010) ‘Places in time: contextualizing social work research’ in Shaw, I., Briar-Lawson, K., Orme, J., and Ruckdeschel, R. Sage Handbook of Social Work Research, London: Sage Publications.
Shaw, I. (2010) ‘Logics, qualities and quality in social work research’ in Shaw, I., Briar-Lawson, K., Orme, J., and Ruckdeschel, R. Sage Handbook of Social Work Research, London: Sage Publications.
Shaw I. and Zlotnik, J (2010) ‘Research and Government’ in Shaw, I., Briar-Lawson, K., Orme, J., and Ruckdeschel, R. Sage Handbook of Social Work Research, London: Sage Publications.
Shaw, I. (2009/2012) ‘Ways of Knowing in Social Work’ in Gray, M and Webb, S (ed) Social Work Theory and Methods, London: Sage.
Shaw, I. (2000) ‘Research and social work’ in Davies, M. (ed) (2000) Encyclopaedia of Social Work. Oxford: Blackwell.
Shaw, A. and Shaw, I. (2001) ‘Risk research in a risk society’, Research Policy and Planning, 19 (1): 3-16.
Shaw, I and Bull, R (1992) 'Constructing Causal Accounts in Social Work’, Sociology, 26(4): 635-649.
Qualitative research and evaluation methodology
Founder Qualitative Social Work (Sage Publications).
Shaw, I. and Hardy, M. with Sommerfeld, P. Forthcoming. ‘Case Study Research in Social Work.’ In Rule, P and Vaughn, J Eds. Handbook of Case Study Research in the Social Sciences. London: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Shaw, I. 2019. 質的研究のピアレビューの方法をどのように開発したらよいのか (‘How to Develop a Peer Review Method for Qualitative Research Papers’) The Japanese Journal of Nursing Research. 52 (2):104-108.
Shaw, I. 2019. ‘Qualitative research in social work.’ In Atkinson, P., Delamont, S., Hardy, M. and Williams, H. Research Methods Foundations: An Encyclopaedia. London: Sage Publications
Shaw, I. 2019. ‘F. Stuart Chapin and Experimental Sociology.’ In Atkinson, P., Delamont, S., Hardy, M. and Williams, H. Research Methods Foundations: An Encyclopaedia. London: Sage Publications
Shaw, I. 2018. ‘Lee Cronbach (1916–2001) – A critical appreciation.’ Qualitative Social Work. 17 (1): 152–163
Chan, S., Teram, E and Shaw, I. 2017. ‘Balancing Methodological Rigor and the Needs of Research Participants: A Debate on Alternative Approaches to Sensitive Research.’ Qualitative Health Research 27 (2), 260-270
Chan, S and Shaw, I. 2016. ‘Gender sensitive research in a Chinese community.’ Asian Social Work and Policy Review 10 (1): 90–102
Shaw, I. and Holland, S. (2014) Doing Qualitative Research in Social Work. London: Sage Publications. Details online.
Shaw, I. (2013) ‘Qualitative Program Evaluation: Departures, Designs and Futures’ in A. E. Fortune, W J Reid and R. L. Miller, Jr. (eds) Qualitative Research in Social Work, 2nd Ed. Pp. 328-357. New York: Columbia University Press.
Shaw, I. (2013) ‘Angels and devils the following day’, Qualitative Social Work, 12(2): 234-44.
Shaw, I., Ramatowski, A. with Ruckdeschel, R. (2013) ‘Patterns, Designs and Developments in Qualitative Research in Social Work: A Research Note’, Qualitative Social Work, 12(6): 732-49.
Shaw, I. (2012) ‘Ethics and decisions in qualitative research’ in Savin-Baden, M. and Major, C. H. (2012). Qualitative research: The essential guide to theory and practice. London: Routledge.
Shaw, I. (2011) Evaluating in Practice, Second Edition. Aldershot: Ashgate Publications.
Shaw, I. (2011) ‘Directions in social work evaluation’ in Blom, B Morén, S and Nygren, L. Utvärdering i socialt arbete. Utgångspunkter, modeller och användning, Stockholm : Natur & Kultur. [Translation: Evaluation in Social Work. The basis, models and usage]. This will be a Swedish language publication.
Shaw, I. ‘Ethics and the practice of qualitative research’ Qualitative Social Work, 7 (4): 400-414. Reprinted in P Atkinson and S Delamont (2010) SAGE Qualitative Research Methods, London: Sage Publications. Also in Scott-Jones, J. 2015 Research Ethics in Context London: Sage Publications
Shaw, I. ‘Ethics in qualitative research and evaluation’, The Journal of Social Work, 3 (1): 7-27. Reprinted in Vogt, W P (2010) Data Collection Benchmarks in Social Research Methods. London: Sage Publications.
Shaw, I. (2010) ‘The Agency: Shaping a Learning Organization’ in T Evans and M Hardy with I Shaw, Evidence and Knowledge for Social Work, Cambridge : Polity Press. Pp 137-151.
Shaw, I. (2010) ‘Evaluating in Practice’ in T Evans and M Hardy with I. Shaw, Evidence and Knowledge for Social Work, Cambridge : Polity Press. Pp 152-164.
Shaw, I. (2010) ‘Qualitative social work practice research’ in A Fortune, P McCallion and K Briar-Lawson (eds) Social Work Practice Research for the 21st Century, New York: Columbia University Press.
Shaw, I. and Gould, N. ‘The social work context for qualitative research.’ Reprinted in M Gray and S Webb (2010) International Social Work, London : Sage Publications.
Shaw, I (2006) ‘Human services’ in I. Shaw, J. Greene, J. and M. Mark (eds) Sage Handbook of Evaluation. London: Sage Publications.
Shaw I. Greene, J. and Mark M. (2006) Sage Handbook of Evaluation. London: Sage Publications.
Shaw, I. (2005) ‘Evidencing social work’ in P. Sommerfeld (ed) Evidence Based Practice. Bern: Peter Lang.
Shaw, I (2004) ‘William J. Reid: an appreciation’, in Qualitative Social Work, 3 (2): 109-115.
Shaw, I (2004) ‘Evaluation for a learning organization’, in N Gould and M Baldwin, Social Work, Critical Reflection and the Learning Organization, Aldershot: Ashgate.
Shaw, I (2004) ‘Qualitative Evaluation: Reflective Practice in Direct Care Settings’ in A R Roberts and K R Yeager (eds) Evidence Based Practice Manual, New York: Oxford University Press.
Shaw, I. (2003) ‘Qualitative research and outcomes in health, social work and education’ in Qualitative Research, 3 (1): 57-77.
Shaw, I and Ruckdeschel, R (2002) ‘Qualitative social work: a room with a view’, in Qualitative Social Work: Research and Practice, 1 (1): 5-23.
Shaw I. and Gould, N. (2001) Qualitative Social Work Research, London: Sage Publications.
Shaw, I (2000) ‘Just inquiry? Research and evaluation for service users’ in H. Kemshall and R. Littlechild (eds) Participation in Social Care: Researching for Practice. London, Jessica Kingsley.
Shaw I. and Lishman J (1999) (eds) Evaluation and Social Work Practice, London: Sage.
Shaw, I. (1999) Qualitative Evaluation, London: Sage.
Shaw, I. and Shaw, A (1997) ‘Keeping Social Work Honest: Evaluating as Profession and Practice’, British Journal of Social Work, 27(6): 847-869.
Shaw, I. and Shaw, A (1997) ‘Game Plans, Buzzes and Sheer Luck: Doing Well in Social Work’, Social Work Research, 21(2): 69-79. Reprinted in Kirk, S (1999) (editor) Social Work Research Methods: Building Knowledge for Practice, Washington DC: NASW Press.
Developing social work research strategies
Shaw, I. 2023. International collaboration in social work research, European Social Work Research, 1 (1): 36-46
Lorenz, W. and Shaw, I. Eds. 2017. Private Troubles or Public Issues? Challenges for Social Work Research. London: Routledge.
Shaw, I. 2016 ‘Social work research of consequence’ In Shaw, I., Hardy, M and Marsh, J. Eds. Social Work Research. London: Sage Publications. Volume 1: xxiii-xxxvi.
Shaw, I. 2016 ‘Decisions about research strategy’ In Shaw, I., Hardy, M and Marsh, J. Eds.. Social Work Research. London: Sage Publications. Volume 2: vii-xiii
Shaw, I. 2016 ‘Professional, disciplinary and governmental expectations regarding best evidence: thematic essay.’ In Shaw, I., Hardy, M and Marsh, J. Eds. Social Work Research. London: Sage Publications. Volume 4: 107-114.
Shaw, I. 2015. ‘Is sociaalwerkonderzoek distinctief? In K. Driesens, P. Raeymaeckers, L Sebrechts, M. Tirions, en E. Wouters, (Eds.) Eeen Caleidoscoop van Sociaalwerkonderzoek Leuven/Den Haag: Acco.
Shaw, I. (2012) ‘The Positive contributions of quantitative methodology to social work research: a view from the sidelines’ Research on Social Work Practice 22 (2): 129-134. This is part of an exchange with the positivist scholar Bruce Thyer. His and my articles can be read in his journal (as cited here) and mine (Qualitative Social Work 11 (3), together with rejoinders from Michael Holesko and Tom Schwandt.
Phillips, C. and Shaw, I. (2011) ‘Innovation in social work research’, British Journal of Social Work, 41(4).
Blyth, Eric, Shardlow, Steven M., Masson, Helen, Lyons, Karen, Shaw, Ian and White, Sue (2010) ‘Measuring the Quality of Peer-Reviewed Publications in Social Work: Impact Factors—Liberation or Liability?’, Social Work Education, 29(2): 120-136.
Shaw, I., Briar-Lawson, K., Orme, J., and Ruckdeschel, R. (2010) ‘Mapping social work research: pasts, presents and futures’ in Shaw, I., Briar-Lawson, K., Orme, J., and Ruckdeschel, R. Sage Handbook of Social Work Research, London: Sage Publications.
Shaw I. ‘Cutting Edge Issues in Social Work Research’, British Journal of Social Work, 33(1): 107-116. Reprinted in M Gray and S Webb (2010) International Social Work, London : Sage Publications.
Shaw, I. (2007) ‘Is social work research distinctive?’, Social Work Education, 26 (7): 659-669.
Shaw I., Arksey H. and Mullender A, (2006) ‘Recognizing Social Work’, British Journal of Social Work, 36 (2): 227-246.
Shaw, I., Arksey, H. and Mullender, A. (2004) ESRC Research and Social Work and Social Care, London: Social Care Institute for Excellence.
The history of social work and research
Shaw, I. 2020. ‘Times Present, Times Past: the History of Social Work Research in the United Kingdom.’ Bulletin of the Social Work History Network 7 (1): 30-43.
Jobling, H. and Shaw, I. 2021. ‘The worlds of social work writing.’ European Journal of Social Work. 24 (3): 515-526.
Shaw, I. 2019. ‘F. Stuart Chapin and Experimental Sociology.’ In Atkinson, P., Delamont, S., Hardy, M. and Williams, H. The Sage Encyclopedia of Research Methods. London: Sage Publications
Shaw, I. and Lau, D. 2019. ‘Ada Eliot Sheffield: Sociological Inquiry in Social Work.’ In Atkinson, P., Delamont, S., Hardy, M. and Williams, H. The Sage Encyclopedia of Research Methods. London: Sage Publications
Shaw, I. 2019. ‘“Let us go then, you and I”: Journeying with Ada Eliot Sheffield.’ Qualitative Social Work 18 (1): 116–138
Jobling, H., Shaw, I., Jang, H, Czarnecki, S and Ramatowski, A. 2017. ‘A case study of applied scholarship: The British Journal of Social Work 1971-2013.’ British Journal of Social Work 47 (8): 2170-2200.
Shaw, I. 2017 ‘Lives and labours: a review essay.’ Qualitative Social Work 16 (3): 430-434
Shaw, I. 2016. ‘Case work: Re-forming the relationship between sociology and social work’ Qualitative Research 16 (1): 60-77.
Shaw, I. 2016. Social Work Science. New York: Columbia University Press. Chapter Three and passim.
Shaw, I. 2015. ‘Sociological social workers: a History of the Present?’ Nordic Journal of Social Work Research 5: sup1: 7-24. Reprinted in Levin, I., Haldar, M. and Picot, A. (Eds) 2016. Social Work and Sociology: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. London: Routledge.
Shaw, I. 2015. ‘The Archaeology of Research Practices: a Social Work Case’ Qualitative Inquiry 21 (1): 36-49.
Shaw, I. 2014. ‘An interview with Noel Timms.’ Qualitative Social Work 13(6) 749–756
Shaw, I. 2014 ‘Noel Timms: a brief appreciation.’ Qualitative Social Work 13(6) 742–748
Shaw, I. (2014) ‘Sociology and social work: in praise of limestone?’ in J Holmwood and J Scott (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Sociology in Britain. London: Palgrave.
Shaw, I. (2011) ‘Social work research: an urban desert?’ European Journal of Social Work, 14(1): 11-26.
Shaw, I. (2010) ‘An unresolved legacy of the Chicago School’ in C Hart (ed) The Legacy of the Chicago School, Poynton, Cheshire: Midrash Publications.
Shaw, I. (2009) ‘Rereading The Jack-Roller: hidden histories in sociology and social work’, Qualitative Inquiry, 15 (7): 1241-1264.
Shaw, I. (2008) ‘Merely Experts? Reflections on the History of Social Work, Science and Research’, Research, Policy and Planning, 26 (1): 57-65.
Technology and professional practice
Shaw, I. 2016. Social Work Science. New York: Columbia University Press. Chapter Four.
Hill, A and Shaw, I 2011. ‘ICT and Social Work Education’ in L Lishman (ed) Social Work Education Research Highlights. London: Jessica Kingsley.
Hill, A. and Shaw, I. (2011) Social Work and ICT, London: Sage Publications.
Shaw, I. and Clayden J (2009) ‘Technology, Evidence and Professional Practice: Reflections on the Integrated Children’s System’, Journal of Children’s Services, 4 (4): 15-27. I reflect on the main issues in this paper in a conference session available on YouTube at
Shaw, I., Morris, K and Edwards, A (2009) ‘Technology, Social Services and Organizational Innovation or How Great Expectations in London and Cardiff are Dashed in Lowestoft and Cymtyrch’, Journal of Social Work Practice, 23(4): 383-400.
Shaw, I., Bell, M., Sinclair, I., Sloper, P., Mitchell, W., Dyson, P., Clayden, J. and Rafferty, J (2009) ‘An Exemplary Scheme? An Evaluation of the Integrated Children’s System’ British Journal of Social Work, 39(4): 613-626.
Faith-based writing
Several aspects of this can be located in my writing, and I have a separate CV that captures more specific writing of this kind. Some writing falls between the two. For example:
Shaw, I. 2023. Leslie Land: a Life and Ministry. Peterborough, Ontario: H & E Publishing
Shaw, I. with Hardy M. 2019. ‘Career interview.’ Qualitative Social Work. 8 (3): 370–381
Shaw. I. 2017. Review essay. Harrison, P. 2007 The Fall of Man and the Foundations of Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Shaw, I. 2018. ‘Obituary: Noel Timms.’ Br J of Social Work 48 (6): 1810-1813
Shaw I. 2018. ‘“This Way of Living”: George Müller and the Ashley Down Orphanage.’ Foundations 75: 73-92.
Creative writing
This is a developing area of my writing. If this interests anyone do feel free to contact me.
Shaw, I. 2021. ‘This’ and ‘Circle of Light.’ Poems. Qualitative Social Work 20 (1-2): 36-40.
Shaw, I. 2020. ‘When walking on a slow ascending street.’ Poem. Consilience Issue 3 When Walking on a Slow Ascending Street — Consilience (
Shaw, I. 2020. 'Keen', '108', 'After Falling on the the Garden Path', and 'Turning and Returning.' Poems. In New Writing Matter 18. Sheffield; Mews Press
Shaw, I. 2020. 'Chicago Pastoral 1931.' Poem. Qualitative Social Work. 19(5-6): 789-791
Shaw, I. 2017. 'Bourton on the Water.' Poem. In New Writing Matter 15. Sheffield; Mews Press. P.50
Shaw, I. 2017. 'Poplars.' Short story. In New Writing Matter 15. Sheffield: Mews Press. P.69-71