From 1990 to 2013 Gwyther worked for The Children’s Society – a national children’s charity in England – most recently as Research Director. During this time he specialised in research on young runaways, adolescent maltreatment and children’s subjective wellbeing. A number of these research projects were undertaken in partnership with University of York.
He also managed a team doing a broader portfolio of research on issues related to disadvantaged and marginalised young people. Since 2013, Gwyther has been studying for a PhD at Cardiff University and has been involved, through an affiliation with University of York in the international Children’s Worlds project, for which he is currently Research Director.
Recent/current advisory positions and other similar activities are:
The Children’s Worlds survey is becoming an important source of information on children’s lives and wellbeing, from children’s perspectives, globally. The second wave of the survey, funded by the Jacobs Foundation, included over 56,000 children in 18 diverse countries. Two comparative reports from the project are available on the project website.
These reports generated substantial media and policy interest in the UK and in other countries involved in the research. Results from this wave of the research were also presented to the European Commission and at a conference hosted by the OECD in Paris. Researchers at University of York have been centrally involved in this project since it began in 2010.
The third wave of the survey starts in 2017 and is expected to involve well over 100,000 children in more than 30 countries across five continents. It will provide a unique comparative insight into the ways that children experience and feel about their childhood around the world.
The University of York has been working in partnership with The Children’s Society on a programme of research on children’s subjective wellbeing since 2005. This has become the most extensive single-country research programme on this topic globally, involving phases of qualitative and quantitative work with over 60,000 children and young people.
Since 2012 the programme has produced an annual Good Childhood Report that summarises up-to-date evidence on children’s subjective wellbeing in the UK. The reports receive extensive media coverage and evidence from the research programme has been included by the Office for National Statistics in its set of indicators of child wellbeing.
Journal articles
Book chapters
Reports and other publications
Recent conference papers
Rees, G. (2017) The association of childhood factors with children’s subjective wellbeing and mental health at 11 years old. Child Indicators Research. Online first: doi: 10.1007/s12187-017-9479-2 (Open access).
Ben-Arieh, A., Dinisman, T. & Rees, G. (2017) A comparative view of children’s subjective wellbeing: Findings from the second wave of the ISCWeB project. Children & Youth Services Review. Online first doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2017.06.068
Tiliouine, H., Rees, G. & Mokaddem, S. (2017) Changes in self-reported wellbeing: A follow-up study of children aged 12 to 14 in Algeria. Child Development. [accepted for publication].
Rees, G. (2017) Children’s daily activities: Age variations between 8 and 12 years old across 16 countries. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy. Online first doi: 10.1080/21699763.2017.1307778
Rees, G. (2017) Family structure and children’s subjective wellbeing: A comparative analysis in eight European countries. Enfance, 2017(1), 13-36
Bradshaw, J., Rees, G., Crous, G. & Turner, N. (2017) Comparing children’s experiences of schools-based bullying across countries. Children and Youth Services Review. Online first doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2017.06.060
Bradshaw, J. & Rees, G. (2017) Exploring national variations in child subjective wellbeing. Children and Youth Services Review. Online first doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2017.06.059
Rees, G., Tonon, G., Mikkelsen, C. & Rodriguez de la Vega, L.. (2017). Urban-rural variations in children’s lives and subjective wellbeing: A comparative analysis of four countries. Children and Youth Services Review. Online first doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2017.06.056
Rees, G. (2017). Children’s activities and time use: Variations between and within 16 countries. Children and Youth Services Review. Online first doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2017.06.056
Rees, G. and Bradshaw, J. (2016). Exploring low subjective wellbeing among children aged 11 in the UK: An analysis using data reported by parents and by children. Child Indicators Research. Online First article. doi: 10.1007/s12187-016-9421-z
Evans, R., Brown, R., Rees, G. and Smith, P. (2016). Systematic review of educational interventions for looked-after children and young people: Recommendations for intervention development and evaluation. British Educational Research Journal. Early view article. doi: 10.1002/berj.3252
Casas, F. and Rees, G. (2015). Measures of children's subjective wellbeing: analysis of the potential for cross national-comparisons. Child Indicators Research, 8(1), 49-69. doi: 10.1007/s12187-014-9293-zr
Rees, G. and Dinisman, T., (2015). Comparing children’s experiences and evaluations of their lives in 11 different countries. Child Indicators Research, 8(1), 5-131. doi: 10.1007/s12187-014-9291-1.
Bradshaw, J., Keung, A., Rees, G. and Goswami, H. (2011). Children's subjective wellbeing: international comparative perspectives. Children and Youth Services Review, 33(4), 548-556. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2010.05.010
Rees, G. & Stein, M. (1997). Abuse of Adolescents: Implications of North American Research for the UK. Children & Society, 11 (2), 128-134. doi: 10.1111/j.1099-0860.1997.tb00018.x
Rees, G. & Stein, M. (1997). Abuse of Adolescents: A Review of the North American Literature. Children & Society, 11 (1), 63-70. doi: 10.1111/j.1099-0860.1997.tb00008.x
Rees, G., Stein, M., Hicks, L. & Gorin, S. (2011). Adolescent Neglect: Research, Policy & Practice. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Rees, G. & Stein, M. (1999). The Abuse of Adolescents within the Family. London: NSPCC.
Rees, G. & Main, G. (2016). Subjective wellbeing and mental health. In J. Bradshaw (Ed.), The Wellbeing of Children in the UK (4th edition). Bristol: Policy Press.
Rees G. (2016). Child maltreatment. In J. Bradshaw (Ed.), The Wellbeing of Children in the UK (4th edition). Bristol: Policy Press.
Rees, G. & Stein, M. (2016). Children and young people in care and leaving care. In J. Bradshaw (Ed.), The Wellbeing of Children in the UK (4th Edition). Bristol: Policy Press.
Rees, G. & Stein, M. (2012). Older children and the child protection system. In M. Blyth & E. Solomon (Eds.), Effective Safeguarding for Children and Young People: What next after Munro? Bristol: Policy Press.
Rees, G. & Stein, M. (2011). Children and young people in and leaving care. In J. Bradshaw (Ed.), The Wellbeing of Children in the UK (3rd Edition). Bristol: Policy Press
Biehal, N. & Rees, G. (2010). Children in public care in England: wellbeing, poverty and rights. In J. Vranken J and W. Vandenhole (Eds.), Why Care? Child Poverty and Children's Rights. Antwerp: Intersentia.
Bradshaw, J., Rees, G., Keung, A. and Goswami, H. (2010). The subjective wellbeing of children. In C. McAuley and W. Rose (Eds.), Child Wellbeing: Understanding children's lives. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Stein, M. & Rees, G. (2002). Young people leaving care and young people who go missing. In J. Bradshaw (Ed.), The Wellbeing of Children in the UK. London: Save the Children.
Bruckauf, Z. & Rees, G. (2017) Children’s Participation in Housework: Is there a case for gender stereotyping? (Innocenti Research Brief, 2017-17). Florence: UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti.
Rees, G., Andresen, S. & Bradshaw, J. (2016). Children's views on their lives and wellbeing in 16 countries: A report on the Children's Worlds survey of children aged eight years old, 2013-15. York, UK: Children’s Worlds project.
Pople, L. & Rees, G. (2016) The Good Childhood Report 2016. London: The Children’s Society.
Davies, R., Rees, G., Harmer, M. & Mylona, S. (Eds.) (2015). Children and Young People Wellbeing Monitor for Wales, 2015. Cardiff: Welsh Government.
Pople, L., Rees, G., Main, G. & Bradshaw, J. (2015). The Good Childhood Report 2015. London: The Children’s Society.
Rees, G. and Main G. (2015). Children's views of their lives and wellbeing in 15 countries: A report on the Children's Worlds survey 2013-2014. York, UK: Children’s Worlds project.
Dinisman, T. and Rees, G. (2014). Children’s Worlds: Findings from the first wave of data collection. Children’s Worlds project,
Abdallah, S., Main, G., Pople, L. and Rees, G. (2014). Ways to Wellbeing: Exploring the links between children's activities and their subjective wellbeing. London: The Children’s Society
Pople, L., Raws, P., Mueller, D., Mahony, S., Rees, G., Bradshaw, J., Main, G. and Keung, A. (2014). The Good Childhood Report 2014. London: The Children's Society.
Rees, G., Goswami, H., Pople, L., Bradshaw, J., Keung, A. and Main, G. (2013). The Good Childhood Report 2013. London: The Children’s Society.
Rees, G., Goswami, H., Pople, L., Bradshaw, J., Keung, A. and Main, G. (2012). The Good Childhood Report 2012. London: The Children’s Society.
Rees, G., Gorin, S., Jobe, A., Stein, M., Medforth, R. & Goswami, H. (2010). Safeguarding Young People: Responding to young people aged 11 to 17 who are maltreated. London: The Children’s Society.
Rees, G., Bradshaw, J., Goswami, H. & Keung, A. (2010). Understanding Children’s Wellbeing. London: The Children’s Society.
Rees, G., Wade, J., Franks, M. & Medforth, R. (2009). Commissioning, Delivery And Perceptions Of Emergency Accommodation For Young Runaways. London: DCSF
Stein, M., Rees, G., Hicks, L. & Gorin, S. (2009). Neglected Adolescents – Literature Review (Research Brief). London: DCSF
Wilson, D. & Rees, G. (Eds.) (2006). Just Justice: A study into black young people’s experiences of the youth justice system. London: The Children’s Society
Rees, G., Franks, M., Raws, P. & Medforth, R. (2005). Responding to Young Runaways: An Evaluation of 19 Projects, 2003 to 2004. Research Report No. 634. London: DfES
Rees, G. (14th July 2017). The links between children’s subjective wellbeing and their experiences of family relationships and being bullied: A longitudinal analysis. Understanding Society Conference, Colchester, UK.
Bruckauf, Z. & Rees, G. (30th June 2017). Children’s participation in housework: Is there a case of sex-typing. International Society for Child Indicators Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Pople, L. & Rees, G. (30th June 2017). Social media use and gender patterns in child subjective wellbeing in the UK. International Society for Child Indicators Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Rees, G. (29th June 2017). Promoting children’s views on their wellbeing in the UK. Invited presentation at International Society for Child Indicators Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Rees, G. (29th June 2017). The relationship between early childhood factors and children’s subjective wellbeing at age 11. International Society for Child Indicators Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Rees, G. (2nd June 2017). A comparison of children’s wellbeing at school in 18 countries. Invited presentation at Colloque: La Qualité de Vie a l’École, University of Nantes, France.
Rees, G. (14th July 2016). Gender inequalities in children’s lives and subjective wellbeing: An international comparison. Paper presented at the WISERD Conference, Swansea, UK.
Rees G. (14th June 2016). Gender inequalities in children’s lives and subjective wellbeing: An international comparison. Paper presented at the APPAM International Conference – Inequalities: Addressing the Growing Challenge for Policymakers Worldwide, London.
Rees, G. (7th June 2016). A comparison of children’s daily lives and activities across 16 countries. Paper presented at the Conference on Childhood Studies, Turku, Finland.
Tiliouine, H., Rees, G., and Sahil, M. (7th June 2016). Stability and child in child wellbeing two years later: A follow-up study in Algeria. Paper presented at the Conference on Childhood Studies, Turku, Finland.
Pople, L. and Rees, G. (4th December 2015). The Good Childhood Report 2015. Paper presented at the Seminar on Children’s Wellbeing hosted by the ONS, Cabinet Office and The Children’s Society, London.
Ben-Arieh, A., Bradshaw, J., Casas, F. and Rees, G. (24th November, 2015). Key findings from the Children’s Worlds project. Presentation at the 3rd Child Wellbeing Expert Consultation, OECD/European Commission/UNICEF Office of Research, Innocenti, Paris.
Rees, G. (7th May 2015). Comparing children’s lives and wellbeing: Key messages from initial report. Presentation at Jacobs Foundation Conference, Marbach Castle, Germany.
Bradshaw, J. and Rees, G. (7th May 2015). Explaining variation in the subjective wellbeing of children. Presentation at Jacobs Foundation Conference, Marbach Castle, Germany.
Rees, G. and Bradshaw, J. (16th March 2015). Explaining variation in children's subjective wellbeing using Wave 5 of the Millennium Cohort Study. Paper presented at the Centre for Longitudinal Studies Cohort Studies Research Conference 2015, Institute of Education, London.
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