Researchers: Co-leads: Dr Sarah Blower (IEE) Jo Dixon (SPSW)
Academic consultants: Professors Nina Biehal (SPSW) and Tracey Bywater (IEE)
Funder: Action for Children
Duration: May 2015 to March 2016
This is a joint study between the Institute for Effective Education (IEE) and Department of Social Policy and Social Work (SPSW) being co-led by Dr Sarah Blower and Jo Dixon.
The evaluation will explore the implementation and impact of social care interventions for young people in and on the edge of care across three London Boroughs. The interventions include three evidence based practice (EBP) models:
The evaluation involves three work streams:
The research will be carried out using qualitative and quantitative research methods and will incorporate an economic component. We will use a participatory approach to the research. This will include involving care-experienced young people as research advisors, to contribute to the design of interview schedules and interpretation and dissemination of findings.
Action for Children / Step Change Final Evaluation Report -
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The Care Placements Evaluation: evaluation of Multi-dimensional Treatment Foster Care in England (MTFCE)
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