
Fundamentally we want our research to change aspects of the lifecourse for the better. 

SPRU has a long standing reputation for disseminating the findings from our work to a wide range of stakeholders in a variety of ways. We firmly believe that if our work is to have the impact we hope for it is important to reach as broad an audience as possible.

Each project we undertake will tailor its outputs to ensure that they are accessible to the full range of individuals who may want to use or be interested in the findings. We produce a variety of reports and academic papers all of which are accessible from individual project pages and contain lay summaries. Other outputs include short summaries, articles for professional journals, information leaflets, short films and presentations at academic and other meetings.

Our publications are available from the project and staff pages or via the York Research Database.

If you are interested in any of our work please visit the completed projects and current projects pages where you will be directed to outputs. You can also find out about projects via the SPRU research themes.

If you are unable to locate something please contact us and we will endeavour to assist with your enquiry. 

If you are interested in having someone come to talk to your organisation about current or completed projects please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss this further.

Telephone: +44 (0)1904 321231

Contact us

Social Policy Research Unit

Social Policy Research Unit
+44 (0)1904 321231
Church Lane Building, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5ZF, United Kingdom.

Related links

Visit the York Research Database to view our publications, presentations and other research activities.

Visit our YouTube page SPRU videos to view our free information videos.

Contact us

Social Policy Research Unit

Social Policy Research Unit
+44 (0)1904 321231
Church Lane Building, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5ZF, United Kingdom.

Related links

Visit the York Research Database to view our publications, presentations and other research activities.

Visit our YouTube page SPRU videos to view our free information videos.