2019 news
Peer Researchers attend homelessness conference in Ireland
The Peer Research and Understanding Homelessness: Exploring Practice, Learning and Innovation conference, was held in Dublin on 20 November 2019 by Focus Ireland. Guests and speakers included services and charities working within the homeless sector across Europe, some of whom were already using a peer research methodology.
Veterans’ substance abuse has devastating impact on loved ones
Professor Charlie Lloyd is calling on the families of veterans with substance abuse problems to take part in a major survey looking at their experiences.
Homelessness can be reduced using innovative ‘Housing First’ model
A housing model has proved effective in reducing homelessness across Europe but it needs more political support to increase its impact, says a new study led by the University of York.
We're 6th in the UK
Social Policy and Social Work at York is in the top ten for Social Work in the Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2020.
National House Project nominated for Children and Young People Now Award
An innovative project evaluated by SPSW researchers has been nominated for the Leaving Care Award at the Children and Young People Now Awards 2019.
Self-funders' experiences of social care
New research project looking at self-funders' experiences of social care, led by Dr Kate Baxter.
Social Policy Research Unit granted International Society for Child Indicators Impact Award
The Social Policy Research Unit and The Children's Society have been awarded the 2019 International Society for Child Indicators Impact Award.
Researching rough sleepers
A new project will be looking at improving access to healthcare for people living rough.
International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health
The International Centre for Mental Health Social Research hosts conference providing insights into leading social work practice and research.
The Children's Worlds project June conference at the University of Nantes
Results were presented from the first 22 countries participating in the 'Third wave' phase of the project.
Majority of children in care have experienced significant abuse and neglect
A joint study by researchers at the Universities of York and Stirling has found that 90% of children in Scotland who go into care when aged five or under have experienced significant abuse and neglect before they enter the care system.
Study reveals everyday technology helps fight loneliness
A new report suggests that people feel less lonely when they have access to everyday technology such as a radio, television or tablet.
Introduction to University Day
Jade Ward from the Social Policy Research Unit was invited as a guest speaker to the 'Introduction to University' day for care leavers and professionals, held at the University of Hull on 29th. May 2019.
Department of Social Policy and Social Work moves into the UK top ten.
This week the Department confirmed its place among the UK's most highly regarded departments for the subject of Social Work. The Department is ranked 9th in the UK in the Complete University Guide 2020.
National Leaving Care Forum
Jade Ward and Jo Dixon from the Department of Social Policy and Social Work, along with Holly Hennell, Manager from York Cares, and two participants, Amy and Shelly, share the Bright Futures Practice Guide at the National Leaving Care Benchmarking Forum (NLCBF).
Specialist Dementia Nurses Support Carers with the most Complex Needs
Having contact with a nurse who understands dementia and has the time to get to know their situation could improve carers' confidence and help them to feel supported.
Sleep-out for SASH
More than 100 people slept rough in York recently and raised over £17,000 for a youth homelessness charity.
Launch of Brighter Futures for Care Leavers Consultation
A consultation on outcomes and aftercare for young people leaving care in Ireland. Jo Dixon and Jade Ward presented their consultation report at a launch event in Dublin on the 7th. February 2019.
Contact us
Social Policy Research Unit
+44 (0)1904 321231
Church Lane Building,
University of York,
YO10 5ZF,
United Kingdom.