Science, Health and Technology
We have an international reputation for research within the fields of science and technology studies (STS), health and medicine and social care.
We attract considerable external funding for pioneering sociological and interdisciplinary studies into regenerative medicine, stem cell science, end of life care, addiction, gender and health, healthcare practices, anti-microbial resistance and architecture for health and social care.
Our cluster boasts one of the biggest cohorts of STS scholars in the UK and we are host to the world-leading Science and Technology Studies Unit.
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- Karl Atkin Sociology of health and illness, disability and inequalities, genetic disorders.
- Dr Sian Beynon-Jones Reproductive and new life science technologies, human/non-human boundaries, the healthcare profession, feminist theory.
- Professor Nik Brown Sociology of health, regulation of bioscience, classical/contemporary social theory.
- Dr Christina Buse
Care, dementia, embodiment, material culture.
- Dr Sangeeta Chattoo Global health, genetic disorders, reproductive technologies.
- Dr Clare Jackson Conversation analysis, gender, sexuality, healthcare
- Dr Cynthia Meersohn Schmidt
Midlife to later-life transitions, digital ageing, knowledge & power, social imaginaries of ageing, lifecourse inequalities.
- Dr Darren Reed Human-computer interaction, health & intelligent communication systems, social informatics, performativity & identity.
- Dr Amanda Rees Social theory, the human/animal relation, sociology of science, popular understandings of science, history of primatology.
- Professor Merran Toerien Conversation analysis, doctor-patient interaction, patient ‘choice’, shared decision-making.
- Dr Richard Tutton Visions of multiplanetary futures, tensions of sociotechnical advancement, progress and anticipations of decline and collapse of societies.
- Dr Ben Jacobsen Synthetic data, transformation of algorithmic systems on the ways people remember and engage with the past, the politics of generative AI.
- Dr Daniel Robbins The body, death and dying, health and illness, posthumanism and AI and robotics.
- Dr Baptiste Brossard Critical sociology of mental health: trauma, depression, ecological aspects of health and suicide prevention.
- Dr Jenn Chubb Responsible innovation, artificial intelligence, existential risk, evidence and expertise, decision making, science policy, advice and diplomacy, research impact and science communication.
- Dr Edmund Coleman-Fountain Disability, gender and sexuality, social care, creative and participatory methods, queer theory, identity.
Sociology of health, Reproductive justice, Feminism and agency, Participatory feminist research.
Disability studies, Sociology of health and illness, Sociology of diagnosis, Long-term impairment and disability in adults.
Climate crisis and other existential threats, Agnotology (the sociology of ignorance), Political Sociology.