Maria Carmela Agodi, Ellen Annandale, Luís Baptista, Roberto Cipriani (2015) 'National sociological assoications in Europe', European Societies 17 (3): 281-300.
Ellen Annandale and Anne Hammarstrom (2015) 'Gender inequality in the couple relationshipo and leisure-based physical excerise', PLOSone 10 (7).
Ellen Kuhlmann and Ellen Annandale (2015) 'Gender equality and healthcare policy', in E. Kuhlmann et al. (eds) The Palgrave International Handbook of Healthcare Policy and Governance. Palgrave.
Ellen Annandale and Anne Hammarström (2015) 'A new politics of gender and health? "Gender-specific medicine" and pharmaceuticalization', in S. Bell and A. Figert (eds) Reimagining Biomedicalization, Pharmaceuticals and Genetics: Old critiques and new engagements. Routledge.
Ellen Annandale (2015) 'Harriet Martineau and Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Forgotten women in the study of gender and health?', in F. Collyer (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Social Theory in Health, Illness and Medicine. Palgrave.
Anne Hammarstrom, Klara Johansson, Ellen Annandale et al. (2014) 'Central gender theories in health research - the state of the art', Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 68:185-90.
Janet Harvey, Ellen Annandale, John Loan-Clarke, Olga Suhomlinova & Nina Tesdale (2014) 'Mobilising identities: the shape and reality of middle and junior managers' working lives - a qualitative study', Health Services and Delivery Research 2 (11).
Oli Williams and Ellen Annandale (2013)‘Subjective embodiment’, in A. Michalos (ed.) Encyclopaedia of Quality of Life Research, pp. 1868-1871. Springer.
Ellen Annandale (2013) ‘Gender theory and health’, in W. Cockerham (ed) Medical Sociology on the Move, Springer.
Ellen Annandale (2013) 'Gender', in Gabe, J. and Monaghan, L. (eds.) Key Concepts in Medical Sociology, 2nd edition (London: Sage).
Ellen Kuhlmann and Ellen Annandale (2012) ‘Gender and health research’, in M. Saks and J. Allsop (eds) Researching Health, 2nd edn. London: Sage,
Ellen Kuhlmann and Ellen Annandale (2012) 'Mainstreaming Gender into Healthcare: A Scoping Exercise into Policy Transfer in England and Germany', Current Sociology, 60(4): 551-568.
Ellen Annandale (2010) 'Equality Feminism and Women's Health Status: A Critical Reflection', in Maurer, G. (ed.) Women's Health and Feminist Theory (Bielefeld: Transaction).
Lingfang Cheng, Ellen Kuhlmann and Ellen Annandale (2010) 'Gender Mainstreaming at the Cross-roads of Eastern-Western Healthcare', in Kuhlmann, Ellen and Annandale, Ellen (eds.) Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Healthcare (London: Palgrave).
Ellen Annandale (2009) 'Missing Connections: Medical Sociology and Feminism', Femina Politica: The Journal of Feminist Political Science, Special Issue: 'Gesundheit als Politikfeld - Ergebnisse der Genderforschung', 1/2009: 24-34.
Ellen Annandale (2009) 'Health and Gender', in Cockerham, W. (ed.) The New Blackwell Companion to Medical Sociology (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell)
Ellen Annandale and Elianne Riska (2009) 'New Connections: Towards a Gender-Inclusive Approach to Women's and Men's Health', Current Sociology, 57(2): 123-133.
Elianne Riska, Ellen Annandale, Ellen and Robert Dingwall (2009) 'Health Sociology: Conflict, Competition, Cooperation', in Denis, A. and Kalekin-Fishman, D. (eds.) The ISA Handbook in Contemporary Sociology (London: Sage)
Ellen Annandale (2008) 'The Political Economy of Health and Health Care', in Earle, S. and Letherby, G. (eds.) The Sociology of Healthcare (London: Palgrave)
Ellen Annandale (2007) 'Assembling Harriet Martineau's Gender and Health Jigsaw', Women's Studies International Forum, 30(4): 355-366.
Ellen Annandale and David Field (2007) 'Gender Differences in Health', in Taylor, S. and Field, D. (eds.) Sociology of Health and Health Care, 4th edition (Oxford: Blackwell)
Ellen Annandale and David Field (2007) 'Socio-economic Inequalities in Health', in Taylor, S. and Field, D. (eds.) Sociology of Health and Health Care, fourth edition (Oxford: Blackwell).
Ellen Annandale, Janet Harvey, Debbie Cavers and Mary Dixon-Woods (2007) 'Gender and Access to Healthcare in the UK: A Critical Interpretive Synthesis of the Literature', Evidence and Policy, 3(4), pp. 463-486.
David Field. and Ellen Annandale (2007) 'Nursing in the NHS', in Taylor, S. and Field, D. (eds.) Sociology of Health and Health Care, fourth edition (Oxford: Blackwell), pp. 249-268.
Anne Witz and Ellen Annandale (2006) 'The Challenge of Nursing', in Kelleher, D., Gabe, J. and Williams, G. (eds.) Challenging Medicine, 2nd edition (London: Routledge
M. Dixon-Woods, D. Cavers, S.A garwal, E Annandale, T Arthur, J Harvey, R Hsu, S Katbamma, R. Olsen, L Smith, L.,R . Riley, A Sutton (2006) 'Conducting a Critical Interpretive Review of the Literature on Access to Healthcare by Vulnerable Groups', BMC Medical Research Methodology, 6 (35).