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Dr Elizabeth Holt
Honorary Visiting Fellow


Having gained her D.Phil in Sociology at the University of York in 1991 Elizabeth began her career as a lecturer at Brunel University in Social and Political Sciences. In 1992 she became a Lecturer in Communication Arts at the University of Huddersfield, later becoming a Senior Lecturer in English Language and Literature and then Head of Linguistics and Modern Languages, until she left the
university in 2022. Recently she has undertaken employment transcribing institutional talk.

Her teaching has included conversation analysis, pragmatics and the language of humour. She has supervised research in medical interaction, broadcast talk, English language teaching, and humour and laughter in interaction.

Elizabeth conducts research in conversation analysis often focusing on informal talk, but also investigating institutional communication including call-centre interaction, police/suspect interviews, medical consultations, classroom talk, broadcast interaction and stand-up comedy. She has particular interest in longer sequences such as storytelling, complaining, troubles-talk and topic management, and those involving laughter and non-serious interaction, and has conducted extensive analysis of certain interactional devices such as reported speech and figurative expressions.

Her current research includes analysis of formulations in podcast talk, playful responses in broadcast interaction and troubles-relevant contributions to informal conversation.

Contact details

Dr Elizabeth Holt
Honorary Visiting Fellow
Department of Sociology
University of York