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Aurelien Mokoko Gampiot
Honorary fellow


As a Senior Research Associate at the Department of Sociology of the University of York, Dr. Aurélien Mokoko Gampiot did fieldwork for the Archiving the Inner City Project on the Paris neighbourhoods of Chateau rouge and La Goutte d’or. He is also a Scholar at the Groupe Société Religion Laïcité (GSRL) of Sorbonne University (France). His research discusses the intersection of migration and religion and race in the African diaspora in France. His research focuses on Race, heritage, and feminism in African diasporic communities; Black Christianiy and Black Judaism in Africa and the African Diaspora.
His latest research is on Black Jews in France; he has published several articles on the topic, and a book which is forthcoming in 2024 at Lexington Books/Fortress Academic.

Contact details

Dr Aurelien Mokoko Gampiot
Honorary fellow
Department of Sociology
University of York