Accessibility statement

Emi Frane



Emi joined the department in October 2023 to begin her PhD under the supervision of Professor Ellen Annandale and Professor Karl Atkin. Motivated by her own diagnosis of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome her MRes focused on examining young women's lived experiences of the condition. Following on from this research, her PhD research hones in on a particular aspect of patient's narratives: the diagnostic process. She is interested in illuminating the difficulties that women face with obtaining diagnoses for gendered conditions such as POTS, and deconstructing the idea that a diagnosis only matters if an illness has a cure.

PhD in Sociology (2023 - present)
Masters by Research in Sociology (2023)
BA (Hons) Sociology (2017)

Departmental roles

Conference Committee Organising Member for UoY Department of Sociology PGR Conference 2024 'Bodies in the Making'

University roles

Academic Support Worker/Specialist Electronic Notetaker, The Learning Support Centre (University of York)



Emi's research interests include:

  • Sociology of Health & Illness
  • Sociology of Gender
  • Sociology of Chronic Illness
  • Sociology of Diagnosis
  • Disability Studies
  • Qualitative Methods
  • Narrative Methods
  • Creative Methods
  • Feminist Methodologies
  • Autoethnography
  • Invisible chronic illnesses (ICIs)

Contact details

Emi Frane
PhD researcher
Department of Sociology
University of York
YO10 5DD