Accessibility statement

Eleanor Armstrong



Affiliation: Institute of Space Research, University of Leicester, UK

Dr Armstrong (she/her) is an incoming Space Research Fellow (at University of Leicester's Institute for Space Research), and an outgoing Postdoctoral Researcher (Stockholm University). Her primary research interest is outer space and space sciences through a queer feminist framework. Here she theorises the public pedagogies of outer space, understanding what and how we learn about space - from official cultural actors (museums, memorials, Barbie) to unofficial and often activist organisers (zinesters, space camp facilitators, or Girls in STEM groups).

Dr Armstrong's secondary research interest is the narrative constructions of geology and mineralogy collections at museums and universities, and working to pluralize the themes and focuses of collections displays through work with emerging museum professionals and curators.


Selected publications

Contact details

Dr Eleanor Armstrong
Department of Sociology
University of York