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Dr Matthew Cooper


Matthew joins the department from the Institute for Employment Research at the University of Warwick where he was a PhD researcher.

His PhD entitled Conditionality then and now? Moral ordering and the young unemployed: policy lessons from the 1930s was completed in 2018. This was a historical comparative analysis of the treatment of youth in the UK benefit system post 2008 and in the depression of the 1930s, which examined how policy makers assessed the claims of diverse social groups for benefit, what rights were granted and upon what was the receipt of benefit then made conditional.

Prior to PhD study Matthew worked as a policy researcher for Citizens Advice, working on a range of research projects on the impact of ‘welfare reform’.

Contact details

Dr Matthew Cooper
Associate Lecturer
Department of Sociology LMB/216
University of York
YO10 5GD

Tel: +44(0)1904 32 4074