Selected publications
Edited volumes
Coward-Gibbs, Matt (ed.). (2020). Death, Culture and Leisure: Playing Dead. Bingley: Emerald.
Journal special editions
Starkey, Caroline and Matt Coward-Gibbs. (2018). Translating Buddhism and the Politics of Ownership: Between Asia(s) and West(s). Journal of Global Buddhism 19.
Book chapters
Coward-Gibbs, Matt. (2020). Some Games You Just Can’t Win: Crowdfunded Memorialisation, Grief and That Dragon, Cancer. In: Coward-Gibbs, Matt (ed.). Death, Culture and Leisure: Playing Dead. Bingley: Emerald. 173-188.
Coward-Gibbs, Matt. (2020). Introduction: Death ≠ Failure. In: Coward-Gibbs, Matt (ed.). Death, Culture and Leisure: Playing Dead. Bingley: Emerald. 1-10.
Peer-reviewed articles
Coward-Gibbs, Matt. (2020). Why Don’t We Play Pandemic? Analog Gaming Communities in Lockdown. Leisure Sciences.
O’Neill, Maggie, Ruth Penfold-Mounce, David Honeywell, Matt Coward-Gibbs, Harriet Crowder and Ivan Hill. (2020). Creative Methodologies for a Mobile Criminology: Walking as Critical Pedagogy. Sociological Research Online.
Coward-Gibbs, Matt. (2018). Of Demons and Drama: Ritual Syncretism of Sinhala Exorcism and Forum Theatre. Journal of Global Buddhism 19.
Starkey, Caroline and Matt Coward-Gibbs. (2018). Translating Buddhism and the Politics of Ownership. Journal of Global Buddhism 19.
Coward, Matt. (2016). Religious Flows and Ritual Performance: East Asian Interpretations of Shakespearian Tragedy. Paranthropology 7(1).
Coward, Matt. (2015). Capturing Spirituality: a photo-elicitation study with two British Neo-Pagans. Paranthropology 6(1).
Coward, Matt. (2014). The Witch from His-Story to Her-Stories: Changing Contexts. Paranthropology 5(3).
Review essays
Coward-Gibbs, Matt. (2019). Critical Spelunking of Casual Toxicities: Patching Gaming Culture. Information, Communication & Society.
Book reviews
Coward, Matt. (2018). Death Makes the News: How the Media Sensor and Display the Dead (Jessica M Fishman). Canadian Journal of Sociology 43(2). (invited)
Coward, Matt (2018). Spirits without Boarders: Vietnamese Spirit Mediums in a Translational Age (Karen Fjelstad and Nguyen Thi Hein). The Pomegranate: International Journal of Pagan Studies 20(1). (invited)
Coward, Matt. (2018). Zombie Theory: A Reader (Sarah J Lauro, ed). Mortality 24(3). (invited)
Coward, Matt. (2017). Mors Britannica: Lifestyle and Death-Style in Britain Today (Douglas J Davies). Mortality 23(1).
Coward, Matt. (2017). Collins Key Concepts: Sociology (Emily Painter with Esther Zarifi), Network: British Sociological Association 126.
Coward, Matt. (2016). Buddhism, the Internet and Digital Media: The Pixel in the Lotus (Gregory Price Grieve and Daniel Veidlinger, eds). Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture 5(2).
Coward, Matt. (2016). Deathpower: Buddhism’s Ritual Imagination in Cambodia (Eric W Davis). Mortality 21(4).
Coward, Matt. (2015). Bonds of the Dead: Temples, Burial and the Transformation of Contemporary Japanese Buddhism (Mark M Rowe). Buddhist Studies Review 31(2).
Non-peer-reviewed publications
Coward-Gibbs, Matt. (2019). Analog UK: Tabletop Gaming in the 21st Century. Tabletop Scotland 2019 Convention Programme.
Coward, Matt. (2018). The Harvard Poltergeist and Other Honest Spirits. Forum: University of York 43.
Coward, Matt. (2015). Rubbish RE?. Cambridge Primary Review Trust.
Coward, Matt. (2015). The Prevent Duty: Investigation of Education?. Cambridge Primary Review Trust.
Coward-Gibbs, Matt. (September 2020). “Come on terminal cancer, let’s get sick(ening)… ((I definitely just made death drops a little too literal)) (((this is way too dark, sorry)))”: Queer necropolitics, humour and terminal illness. Death & Culture III, York St John University.
Coward-Gibbs, Matt. (August 2020). The Esoteric Knowledges of Analog Gaming. Virtually Expo, UK Games Expo. Public engagement.
Coward-Gibbs, Matt. (March 2020). Analog Gaming’s Second-Hand Markets. AireCon 6, Harrogate. Public engagement.
Coward-Gibbs, Matt. (July 2019). Dying to Play: Games, Death & Social Life. Archbishop Holgate School, York. Public engagement.
Coward-Gibbs, Matt. (May 2019). Analog UK: Tabletop Gaming in the 21st Century. UK Games Expo, Birmingham. Public engagement.
Coward-Gibbs, Matt. (May 2019). An Encounter with Buddhist Death Rituals. York Dead Good Festival. Public engagement.
Coward-Gibbs, Matt. (March 2019). UK Tabletop Gaming Communities. AireCon 5, Harrogate. Public engagement
Penfold-Mounce, Ruth and Matt Coward. (September 2018). Creative Methodologies: Walking with Death in York. Death & Culture II, University of York.
Coward, Matt. (September 2018). Cemeteries, Consoles & Corpses: Burial Ground Ethnography in Gameplay Environments. Death & Culture II, University of York.
Coward, Matt. (May 2018). Some Games You Just Can’t Win: Crowdfunded Memorialisation, Grief and That Dragon, Cancer. Playing Dead, University of York.
Coward, Matt. (April 2018). Survival Horror, Surviving Horrors: Wolfenstein, Traumatic Play and the Social Gothic. Gaming the Gothic, University of Sheffield.
Coward, Matt. (September 2017). In War, Not Everyone is a Soldier: Ritual Thresholds and Tabletop Gaming. Thresholds: A pop-up symposium, SATSU, University of York.
Coward, Matt. (June 2016). Of Demons and Drama: Ritual Syncretism of Sinhala Exorcism and Forum Theatre. Translating Buddhism: York St John University.
Coward, Matt. (December 2015). Did you Check that Corpse’s Credit?! Supernatural Powers and Suicide as Displayed in the Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service: a critical manga reading. Exploring the Extraordinary VII.
Coward, Matt. (July 2015). The Hammer Wants the Nail’s Magic? American Horror Story, Voodoo and Witchcraft. Fandom and Religion, University of Leicester.
Coward, Matt. (March 2015). Trans* in Thailand: Wiparit Orientations and the Role of Buddhist Ethics in Thai Culture and Society. Cutting Edge, Edge Hill University.
Coward, Matt. (November 2014). Crossing and Dwelling… and Performing? Some Thoughts on the Amalgamation of Theory for Interdisciplinary Research. Postgraduate Methodologies Conference, York St John University.
Coward, Matt. (June 2014). The Witch from ‘His-Story’ to ‘Her-Stories’: Changing Contexts. Undergraduate Research Conference, York St John University.