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Dr Mary Laing


Human Geography PhD, Loughborough University

Human Geography MA, Manchester University

Human Geography BA, Manchester University 


Mary is a Lecturer in the Sociology Department at the University of York. She joined the department in 2022, having previously been a Senior Lecturer in Criminology at Northumbria University, and before that a post-doc at Simon Fraser University (Vancouver) in the School of Criminology.

Mary is a collaborative and interdisciplinary researcher and her work broadly centres on sex work and the sex industry, with interests spanning non-heteronormative and queer sex work, sex work and health, sex work and technologies, academic experiences of researching the sex industry, safety and violence, collaborative methods and human rights. More recently Mary’s work has focused on the lived experiences of academics, especially those who switch disciplines and move into and out of criminology as well as the potential of walking as pedagogy; this includes co-developing the departmental Sociologically Imagining York podcasted walk.

Mary is a founding Board member of National Ugly Mugs (an award-winning sex worker safety organisation), retiring from her position in 2024 after 13 years of service on the Board. As well as publishing her work in academic books and journal articles, Mary has for nearly two decades engaged in policy work both as an individual and alongside sex worker groups responding (both in writing and via speaking opportunities) to both national (Home Office, Home Affairs Select Committee, various APGGs) and local consultations (various) focusing on sex work and criminal justice, social justice and health. She regularly engages in knowledge exchange and public engagement in the areas of sex work and the sex industry and criminology more generally. This includes delivering workshops on the co-created TransActions project and walking tours and talks at the York Festival of Ideas.

Contact details

Dr Mary Laing
Department of Sociology
University of York
YO10 5GD

Tel: +44 (0)1904 322683