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Karl Atkin


  • DPhil, The Production of Health and Social Care, University of York
  • BA (Hons) Sociology (CNAA), Class 2i, City of Birmingham Polytechnic

Karl Atkin is a medical sociologist with a background in doing qualitative ethnographic research in multidisciplinary and culturally diverse settings. His work has a particular focus on understanding the social consequences of various long-standing, chronic conditions. This includes exploring how people negotiate illness (and its treatment) and how this experience connects to disabling outcomes.

In November 2015, Karl was elected as a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences (FAcSS). He maintains strong links with voluntary and community organisations.

He has received funding from the Economic and Social Research Council and various National Institute of Health Research commission panels. He has published widely on the experience of illness; the generation of disability; family care; healthcare in multi-cultural societies, including the operation of institutional racism; and the genetic understanding of disease and its social consequences. This is reflected in his teaching, and he has considerable experience of organising and delivering undergraduate and postgraduate modules.

He is also an experienced doctoral supervisor and would welcome new students with an interest in the social experience of long-standing chronic and disabling conditions, including the role of family care and service support; and health care in multi-cultural societies.

Departmental roles

  • Head of Department, Department of Health Sciences, between (2015 to 2021)

University roles

  • Member of University Equality and Diversity Committee (University Council)

Contact details

Professor Karl Atkin
Department of Sociology LMB/226
University of York
YO10 5GD

Tel: +44 (0)1904 32 1355