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Joanna Latimer
Emerita Professor


Emerita Professor of Sociology, Science & Technology & former Director of the Science & Technology Studies Unit (SATSU), University of York, UK.


Having studied English Literature as an undergraduate, I then trained and worked as a nurse for ten years. As a medical ward sister, I won a fellowship to do a PhD at Edinburgh, which I completed in 1994, published as The Conduct of Care, shortlisted for the BSA Philip Abram’s Memorial Prize. Having worked at Keele University in Nursing and the Centre for Social Gerontology I took up a lectureship in Sociology at the Cardiff School of Social Sciences in 1999, progressing to chair in 2009. I joined Sociology at York in 2016.

My research focuses on the cultural, social and existential effects and affects for how science & medicine are done. I work ethnographically, from the bedside, inside the clinic, across to the laboratory and the home, and back again. Subjects include the new genetics, reproduction, development and ageing. My work examines everyday processes of inclusion and exclusion, and tracks how people, technologies and other non-humans are assembled and made to mean. I am especially interested in the worlds people make together and the biopolitics they are entangled in and circulate.  

Making contributions at the leading edge of social theory, I have written about the constituting of classesmotility, extension, aboutnessnatureculturescare in biomedicinedwellingthe politics of imaginationbody-world relations and class, often incorporating analyses of writers, such as Philip Larkin, and artists, such as F,rida Kahlo and the sculptor Olivia Musgrave. Currently, I am exploring the notion of the Threshold as well as Entanglement.

I have published many articles and books, including The Gene, The Clinic and The Family: Diagnosing Dysmorphology, Reviving Medical Dominance, winner of the 2014 Foundation for the Sociology of Health & Illness annual book prize. My current work investigates the biology of ageing, and how humanist, trans and post-humanist ideas get played out in the making and unmaking of social worlds.

I have held 3 visiting chairs at Sidney University, University of California San Francisco, and the Humanistic University, Utrecht. I was a longstanding member of the editorial board of The Sociological Review, and until recently editor of the journal Sociology of Health and Illness.

I have recently published Intimate Entanglements with Daniel López Gómez and am currently writing a new book for Routledge, Biopolitics and the Limits to Life: Ageing, Biology and Society in the 21st Century, as well as co-editing a special issue for New Genetics and Society on contemporary developments in Alzheimer’s research (with Richard Milne & Shirlene Badger).

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Contact details

Joanna Latimer
Emerita Professor
Department of Sociology
University of York

Tel: 01904 32 4735