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I joined the department as a Lecturer in Sociology in 2020. I was previously a researcher at the French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED) and hold a PhD in Sociology from Sciences Po in Paris (2016).
My research focuses on migration, residential segregation, neighborhood effects, social stratification, race/ethnicity and discrimination. I use quantitative methods and have a strong interest in longitudinal data analysis.
McAvay, H. and Waldinger, R. (2021). Accelerating the Passage to Citizenship: Marriage and Naturalization in France. Frontiers in Sociology, Vol. 6, 99.
Vasilopoulos, P., McAvay, H., & Brouard, S. (2021). Residential Context and Voting for the Far Right: The Impact of Immigration and Unemployment on the 2017 French Presidential Election. Political Behavior, 1-28.
Langer, M., Vasilopoulos, P., McAvay, H., & Jost, J. T. (2020). System justification in France: liberté, égalité, fraternité. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 34, 185-191.
McAvay, H. (2020). Socioeconomic status and long-term exposure to disadvantaged neighbourhoods in France. Urban Studies, 57(13), 2663-2680.
McAvay, H (2018). The Ethnoracial Context of Residential Mobility in France: Neighborhood Out-Migration and Relocation. Population, Space and Place 24(6), e2138.
McAvay, H. (2018). How Durable Are Ethnoracial Segregation and Spatial Disadvantage? Intergenerational Contextual Mobility in France. Demography, 55(4), 1507-1545.
McAvay, H., & Safi, M. (2018). Is there really such thing as immigrant spatial assimilation in France? Desegregation trends and inequality along ethnoracial lines. Social Science Research, 73, 45-62.
McAvay, H. (2018). Immigrants' spatial incorporation in housing and neighborhoods: Evidence from France. Population, 73(2), 333-362.
McAvay, Haley and Verdugo, Gregory (2021). “Income inequality and segregation in the Paris metro area (1990-2015)” in Van Ham, Maarten and Tammaru, Tiit (Eds.), Income inequality and socio-economic segregation in cities around the world. Springer
McAvay, Haley and Simon, Patrick (2019). “Perceptions et expériences de la discrimination” in Expériences et perceptions des inégalités en France : quelles discriminations, quelles atteintes au(x) droit(s)? Résultats de l’enquête « Accès aux droits ». La Documentation française/Défenseur des droits
McAvay, Haley and Simon, Patrick (2019). “Racisme et harcèlement au travail” in Expériences et perceptions des inégalités en France : quelles discriminations, quelles atteintes au(x) droit(s)? Résultats de l’enquête « Accès aux droits ». La Documentation française/Défenseur des droits