Accessibility statement

Edmund Coleman-Fountain


I am a lecturer in Sociology. Originally from the far North of Scotland, I studied Sociology at the University of Aberdeen before doing a PhD at Newcastle University. I have an enduring fascination in the sociology of the body and questions of the self and identity from this time, and have explored these themes in my research through a focus on disability, genders and sexualities, particularly as they shape the narratives and lives of young people.

Previous employment in the Social Policy Research Unit at the University of York has given my research a bit of an applied policy bent. I think it matters that what we do makes a positive difference to people. More recently I’ve been undertaking co-produced research in the fields of social care and have developed an interest in theories and practices of care.

My research has been funded by the ESRC and NIHR, and has published in monographs by Palgrave (Narrative Identity and Lesbian and Gay Youth, 2014) and Routledge (Disabled Childhoods: Monitoring Differences and Emerging Identities, 2016 with Janice McLaughlin and Emma Clavering). I am currently co-editor of the BSA journal Sociological Research Online.

Contact details

Dr Edmund Coleman-Fountain
Department of Sociology LMB/231
University of York
YO10 5GD

Tel: +44(0)1904 321279