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Professor David Beer


  • MA, PhD (York)
  • BSc (Bradford)

David is a Professor of Sociology in the department. In broader terms, he researches, teaches and writes about culture, media, politics and society. Much of his work has explored how transformations in technology and media have reshaped culture and society.

In recent years his work has focused mainly upon questions around the politics of data and metrics. In addition to this, he also works on the history and future of social thought.

In addition to his department roles, he serves on the editorial boards of the journals Theory, Culture & Society, Information, Communication & Society, Cultural Sociology, and Big Data & Society.

You can find out more about his research and writing through his website.

Dave Beer

Contact details

Professor David Beer
Department of Sociology LMB/215
University of York
YO10 5GD

Tel: +44(0)1904 32 3049