Accessibility statement

Yener Bayramoğlu
Lecturer (Assistant Professor)


I am a media sociologist and ethnographer. My current research explores the role of digital media in everyday practices of belonging. I am particularly interested in the ambivalent meaning and function of digital media for social groups whose lives are marginalised and shaped by intersectional inequalities. I have explored how digital media technologies turn into self-empowering tools for migrants, refugees and LGBTIQ+ people, as well as how social media accelerates the circulation of racism, antisemitism and disinformation.

My research draws on scholarship on migration and diaspora studies, border theory, postcolonial theory, queer theory, and temporalities. I have been conducting multi-sited and comparative research between Turkey, Germany and the UK. My research has been supported by grants from the Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions, the DFG (German Research Foundation) and EU-HORIZON.


I completed my PhD in media and communication at Freie Universität Berlin after obtaining BA and MA degrees from the Marmara University (Istanbul, Turkey). I was a visiting professor for gender and queer studies at Alice Salomon University of Berlin, a visiting scholar at the University of Salzburg in Austria, and postdoc researcher at Manchester Metropolitan University.

I have taught in several German universities including Freie Universität Berlin, Braunschweig University of Art and Justus Liebig University of Giessen.

I am the author of Queere (Un-)Sichtbarkeiten (Queer In/Visibilities) (2018, Transcript Verlag) and co-author of Post/pandemisches Leben: Eine neue Theorie der Fragilität (Post/pandemic Life: A new theory of fragility) (2021, Transcript Verlag). I am co editing the Special Issue Transnational Queer Cultures and Digital Media, for the journal Communication, Culture, and Critique. My articles have been published in high-ranking international peer reviewed journals including Media, Culture & Society and Ethnic & Racial Studies. I am the co-chair of German Communication Association’s (DGPuK) division Media, Public Spheres and Gender, and member of several international research networks such as Mobilizing Intimate Relationships and Queere Zeitgeschichten.

Contact details

Dr Yener Bayramoğlu
Lecturer (Assistant Professor)
Department of Sociology LMB/243
University of York
YO10 5GD